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MakeItSo1701's avatar

(NSFW) Is it fair to be with someone you have to hide?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13901points) 1 month ago

Let’s say someone has always been attracted to women, but has only pursued romantic and sexual relationships with men. This goes back to childhood like having a crush on a girl in 1st grade. So this person wants to pursue this, but isn’t sure how, because it really seems like maybe this person is bisexual.

This person has family that is very homophobic and/or religious, and would probably not talk to them if they dated another woman. This person has tried to say they like women in the past, but was told it was for attention.

How would you go about this? Is it rude to pursue somebody you would have to hide? Or pursue someone you aren’t sure you’d be sexually attracted to? Is that leading them on?

Serious answers only please.

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