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elbanditoroso's avatar

If Pope Francis dies, will Trump try to get himself elected Pope?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33679points) 1 day ago

Francis is in the hospital – double pneumonia, age 86. No one knows how long he has.

If Francis succumbs, will Trump try to get himself elected Pope?

Never mind that he isn’t Catholic – details like that haven’t bothered him before.

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14 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Yes. He can bring back indulgences. Also he can keep a cut of the prophets from selling them.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

How do you get double pneumonia? Also Trump isn’t Catholic?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Yup, he will claim that is what God wants !

Double pneumonia is both lungs not just one.

Forever_Free's avatar

I seen the first US Pope. Pope Elon. Money can get you everything.

janbb's avatar

There is no trying…:-)

elbanditoroso's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 I can’t decide is “cut of the prophets” is a typo or if you meant it to be serious.

filmfann's avatar

Pope Frances had part of a lung removed in 1957.
He is 88 years old.
This is extra bad.

Whoever is Pope has to be celebate. Melania is all for it.

cheebdragon's avatar

Was trump your first thought when you found out the pope is in the hospital? Might be a good time to look for new hobbies, maybe do some volunteer work. Your world doesn’t need to revolve around Trump.

jca2's avatar

He’s 88, he can’t walk so his circulation is compromised, he had part of a lung removed when he was younger, it’s sounding bad.

New pope will be a favorite person in the Vatican.

smudges's avatar

@elbanditoroso I know, I was wondering if he meant ”cult of the prophets” since financial gain is called profit and a prophet is someone who’s communicating with god.

JLeslie's avatar

No, he won’t try to be pope. He might try to influence who gets pocked. Who knows. The Christian extremists he aligns with probably care who is pope. Some of them are against the Catholic church, some of them are fanatics in the Catholic church. It’s a strange combination of people on the far religious right.

ragingloli's avatar

He might just declare himself pope, then enact repressions against anyone who dares to not acknowledge that new “fact”. Wonder which news organisation will get banned first for not calling him “the new real pope”.

flutherother's avatar

He could stage a riot at the Vatican to improve his chances.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Yes, so that he can sell indulgences and pocket the money.

His indulgences will be HUGE, the best indulgences ever. In the history of indulgences, there have never been any as good as the Trump brand, the gold standard for all indulgences.

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