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JLeslie's avatar

What do you think the “resistance” should do at a J6er MAGA event?

Asked by JLeslie (65901points) 1 day ago from iPhone

Where I live the MAGA Club (ugh) is going to have J6ers come speak. Tickets are being sold for $20. I can’t even believe these people are doing speaking engagements of all things.

What would you do if anything if this was happening in your community of town?

Many of the Democrats want to protest during the event. Some are writing the head of recreation about their upset in allowing these people to speak on property. Some Democrats want to call a lot of media outlets to get coverage.

What do you think is the best course of action?

If you are against these events do you think protesting is a good idea?

Would you rather let it come and go with very little fanfare if it was happening in your community or town? Would you want national news coverage?

Would you want to go in to see what these people say?

Would you worry about a tit for tat if Democrats protest, that MAGA will show up at Democratic Club events?

If you support J6ers, what would discourage you from having these events? Would you care if people protest? What would be your reaction?

Here’s a link to the announcement.

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11 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Find out who exactly is going to speak, then make big signs with their mugshots on it, and big, fat “TRAITOR” on top of them. At the minimum.

chyna's avatar

First of all, I can’t imagine that most of the J6ers can speak intelligently or in full sentences.
This is what really pisses me off about republicans. They honor criminals.
As with trump, these people thrive on attention. So I think no protests, no news coverage and small turnout will discourage the club from inviting other speakers from the J6 criminals.
I know your community is mainly boomers, and it surprises me, as a boomer myself, that so many are trumpers.

Forever_Free's avatar

I heard that they are planning a Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Concert of the J6 Prison Choir.

I would not be surprised to hear them announce a name change of the Center.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I’d listen, personally. We had 3 on a podcast locally and it was very interesting.
As far as discouraging them, they had the government come after them legally, so your protests will only amuse them now that they are pardoned.

37% held college degrees, another 31% had some college, 9% with higher education past college, 27% own businesses per Forbes. Facts matter.

smudges's avatar

Let it come and go with very little fanfare.

seawulf575's avatar

If I were wrapped around the axle about J6ers, I’d probably just ignore them. We have had, near us, people doing speeches and exhibitions on things I don’t like and I just ignore them. I guess there are a couple reasons for this. The first is I respect their right to voice their opinion. I don’t have to listen to it, nor do I have to agree with it. But they have every right to speak. Trying to censor them seems very Fascist-esque to me. The other reason I ignore them is that when you do things like stage a protest to try upsetting the apple cart, you give them what amounts to free publicity. It could backfire on you. Others that think protesting something like this is wrong and they may show up just to spite you OR to be there for when the fireworks start.

flutherother's avatar

@KNOWITALL The college educations weren’t much in evidence at the J6 riots. What you had was an ugly mob and as GK Chesterton said “If there be one thing more than another which is true of genuine democracy, it is that genuine democracy is opposed to the rule of the mob. For genuine democracy is based fundamentally on the existence of the citizen, and the best definition of a mob is a body of a thousand men in which there is no citizen.”

seawulf575's avatar

@flutherother And when citizens want to voice their displeasure with their government? Are you suggesting they automatically stop being citizens? Rioting is never acceptable to me. But it is to the Democrats and the left. All they need is someone to say it is for a good cause and all is good in the world. But when only one side gets to determine what is a good cause and gets to okay riots as “mainly peaceful protests”, there is corruption throughout the government.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@flutherother I love quotes, but I’m not sure this particular one exonerates Dems while convicting Reps.

flutherother's avatar

@KNOWITALL It’s a quote that convicts mobs of being undemocratic. The J6 mob will smile and talk of their “patriotism” but their actions were undemocratic and nothing to boast about.

mazingerz88's avatar

Perform a satirical street play outside the venue. With the right script, minimal props and very few performers you can re-enact the violent attack that day.

Three or four good performers can pull this off. Make sure there’s plenty of fake blood and fake poop.

Have fun. Entertain people. While reminding them what really happened.

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