General Question

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Which way do you think would be faster?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13876points) 1 month ago

I have to take handwritten, guided notes for class. I have to write down everything he says in the video, sometimes including graphs. We also have to indent it specifically (roman numerals, etc.)

These videos are 30m on average, but usually take 45+ because I have to go back and rewind, pause, erase things, etc.

Would it be faster if:

1) I keep doing what I am doing and take notes as I watch the video


2) I write it all on the computer, as I can type faster and likely won’t have to pause as much, and then handwrite it all after?

Or would that just be the same amount of time?

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4 Answers

janbb's avatar

Boy, it sounds like a stupid demand. But if you’ve got to, you“ve got to. I would think your second idea, if it gets you through the video faster, would make the most sense.

Lightlyseared's avatar

I suspect you are being asked to handwrite the notes as research shows students who make hand written notes do better on tests and I know a lot of schools and colleges encourage it as revision aide for that very reason.
The goal here I imagine is not to end up with hand written notes so much as to improve your ability to recall the subject matter later.

So dont worry about the time it takes and then choose.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I always handwrite notes regardless, but have never had to format so specifically.

I wouldn’t worry about the time it takes, if it didn’t take me 5–6+hours depending on how many videos. I had 13 videos 2 weeks ago, over half were 20–30minutes. Last week I had an hour long one.

I am just trying to streamline this a bit.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

I found that typing them was just as effective as handwriting them for my memory. It makes consolidating them easier later on also

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