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janbb's avatar

Are you surprised when you see an actor you only knew when they were young in an older role?

Asked by janbb (63385points) 1 month ago

Recent example. I had seen Robert Sean Leonard as a student in Dead Poet’s Society and on the stage in a Tom Stoppard play around the same time. Recently, I was watching the series The Gilded Age and he played an older cleric. I could hardly recognize him.

Have you had other experiences like that? How does it make you feel?

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12 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

Ha! I just watched a rerun of Grey’s Anatomy with Hal Holbrook as a guest star. It was startling. But then, every time I see an interview with little Ronnie Howard, I kind of cringe, he is only 3 three weeks older than I am.

janbb's avatar

And I just saw an interview with Bruce Springsteen from 1984. It must be so funny for a public person to have so much material of you at younger ages.

Ron Howard – yes. But I give him a lot of credit for growing into his various roles as he got older.

canidmajor's avatar

Yeah, he’s someone I respect a lot.

Blackberry's avatar

Yea the 6th sense kid is in roles now as an adult, as well as the little girl from the denzel action movie, then you have the new captain america that used to battle rap eminem…..

Great times.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Will Wheaton, as Westley Crusher. Then as himself in The Big Bang Theory.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Also Drew Barrymore. From E.T. we are close to the same age. It is her 50th birthday tomorrow (February 22nd).
How is makes me feel? Well a little bit that’s nice, and a little bit of meh.

MakeItSo1701's avatar


A lot of Star Trek actors have gone back to their roles decades later. Patrick Stewart was 47 at the beginning of TNG, and then played Jean-Luc in the show Picard and he was 79.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@MakeItSo1701 I am 47. Just comparing my life to his. Wow 79! I don’t have cable, and haven’t watched any of the new material. Just noticed that the characters on TNG didn’t have any washrooms? Is that normal in the navy?

Brian1946's avatar

One for me was seeing Alan Alda in an episode of ER, which was about 20 years after he was in MASH.
I wasn’t surprised to see him, because I read the story line before I watched that episode.
I guess I experienced a bit of fleeting surprise when I saw his name in the TV guide.
I also thought it was an expected casting decision to have a TV doctor play another one later on.
I would have been more surprised to see someone like Mary Tyler Moore or Max Baer Jr. play the guest doctor in that ER episoda.
I can it now: I is Dr. Jethro Bodine, an not only am I a rocket surgeon, I’m also a brain scientist! ;-p


I loved Will Wheaton as himself on the BBT.
He, Leslie Winkle, and even Kripke were such great foils to the incessantly annoying and misogynic Sheldumb Cooper.

JLeslie's avatar

When they distort their face with bad cosmetic work it’s more jarring than simply aging, but yes sometimes I’m surprised when I see a child actor now much older or even a young adult actor who is now an older/senior adult.

I feel or think to myself that I never would have thought they would change so much.

One who comes to mind is Valerie Bertinelli. She just got older and gained weight, her face still looks ok. It just took me a while to adjust to her over age 30. I thought she was so pretty on One Day At A Time when I was a kid.

Also, Courtney Cox, she distorted her face. It was hard to look at her. Priscilla Presley who was so beautiful also distorted.

SnipSnip's avatar

Sure, I’ve had that experience.

janbb's avatar

@SnipSnip Can you elaborate? It might make your answer more interesting.

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