Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

What do you think about United States VP Vance telling Germany to speak to the far right Neo Nazi party in Germany?

Asked by JLeslie (65903points) 11 hours ago from iPhone

Germany has some strict laws about people using Nazi symbols or saying or writing anything that promotes or endorses Nazis. Germany also has wall politically that they don’t deal with very far right political parties. Vance is saying everyone should be heard and invited to the table.

What are your thoughts about what Vance said in terms of the US? You can also answer regarding German or world politics, but specifically curious what you think he might be signaling back in the US too.

He said it a couple if days after visiting a concentration camp in Germany.

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23 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

He wants Germany to become fascist in their image. There is no deeper meaning than that.
He, Musk, and their Russian masters have been propping up right wing extremist and pro-putin parties all over Europe. Vance eschewed talking to the German Chancellor in Munich, and talked to the AFD leader instead. Musk has been a speaker at an AFD event.
Chiefly, the goal is to fracture and destroy the European Union by installing nationalist governments that will not work together to defend themselves and each other against further colonial and russian aggression. They already made early headway towards that goal with Brexit, and with installing the Russian-Rapist-in-Chief.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

In politics, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

jca2's avatar

I saw somewhere Steve Bannon did the Nazi salute.

hat's avatar

^ He did.

And then goes on to talk about how anti-Zionist “Jewish billionaires” are a threat.

chyna's avatar

@jca2 I saw that too, but then read it was to make fun of musk. But who knows?

hat's avatar

@ragingloli: “He wants Germany to become fascist in their image.”

It doesn’t appear that Germany needs any help in supporting fascism. From its obvious history to its support and funding of Israel to crackdowns on anti-genocide protests, it looks like Germany and the US already have much in common.

jca2's avatar

@chyna I just googled it for more info and I see he is claiming it was “just a wave.”

chyna's avatar

If you have to lie about your actions, do you really believe them, are ashamed of them or just aren’t man enough to stand up for your beliefs?

jca2's avatar

@chyna I am guessing he is all for the Nazi party and doesn’t want to admit it.

Edit to add I didn’t want my comment above to make it sound like I was defending him. I was pointing out his claim (which I believe to be a bullshit claim).

chyna's avatar

^I didn’t think you were defending him.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

And yet these extremists get all pissy when I call them Frightwingers.

Zaku's avatar

My thoughts? All flavors of Nazi should be detained and/or nowhere near positions of influence, let alone authority of any kind.

YARNLADY's avatar

I’ve been saying the illuminati was behind this ever since the con man was first elected. They have been working toward this for several generations. Their adherents wrote the 2025 plan.
The Illuminati is part of a plan to create a totalitarian government that rules the planet.

seawulf575's avatar

For those who are stuck on this “Nazi salute” nonsense, get over yourselves. If every time you see a picture of a politician that is giving a wave that looks like a Nazi salute, now do you explain this?

seawulf575's avatar

As for the Question, let’s get some terminology straight. The AfD is right wing, no doubt. But they are not Neo-Nazis. So the question already slants things. And the progressive left-wing politicians of Germany are trying to censor and squelch the views of the AfD, much as the Democrats used Lawfare to try keeping President Trump from being able to campaign and run for POTUS again. Since there is no link to what Vice President Vance said, I can imagine that he was saying pretty much what he said to all the European leaders: stop being that which you claim to hate. Stop censoring and criminalizing free speech.

Sane humans know that you will never agree with everyone on every topic. But the road to wisdom is to have open dialogue and open communication to learn what others are thinking. Using political force to silence opposition is nothing but Authoritarianism in action…you know…a key component of Nazism.

hat's avatar

@seawulf575 – Cute. But you know that they know what they’re doing. And they know that everyone knows – and that’s the point.

When right-wing fascists do a Nazi solute – they’re doing multiple things. Musk did it to see if it would fly. The goal was to try to own the libs and win favor with their base of actual Nazis and the masses who have been convinced that the only reason they are struggling is due to “illegals” and other literal Nazi reasoning.

Another one from CPAC:

Note: I understand that you take any criticism of Republicans as a defense of Democrats. Remember – I’m not a Dem and they share most of the same politics as your beloved Republicans. But let’s stop being fucking cute about the Nazi salutes. It’s embarrassing for you.

It is a Nazi salute, and there is a reason they adopted it this year. It’s part of their strategy.

seawulf575's avatar

@hat How do we know that? The picture clearly shows they are giving the Nazi salute. Are you saying that they weren’t and it was only how the picture looks? So how do you know when someone on the right is caught the same way that they were actually giving a Nazi salute? You claim they are fascists, but that is your view, not reality.

My point is that you guys on the left always want to make a huge deal out of something your media tells you to make a big deal of. Yet when the left-wingers are shown in identical poses, suddenly it’s “you know that isn’t real!” or “That’s just right wing propaganda!”. You cannot figure out the hypocrisy that stands true time after time from the left. Even the link you just showed, the guy is saying with words and motions, “My heart goes out to you!”. I know you want to believe the propaganda, but please learn to think for yourself.

hat's avatar

^ I’m more concerned about their fascist and dangerous politics than their Nazi salutes.

If a guy trims his mustache a little narrow, I wouldn’t think much of it. But if a radical right-wing guy who is literally a fan of fascism and is trying to implement it gets a narrow mustache, we can point that out.

jca2's avatar

@seawulf575 I saw that post with Obama, Clinton, Harris, Warren posted elsewhere (maybe Facebook) a few weeks ago. My first thought when looking at those grainy photos was that it looks like AI. To me, the hands and the size of the arms don’t look like they belong on the bodies. I don’t know if anybody else feels the same way as I do, but that was my first thought, that it’s like cut and paste arms on bodies. If I saw the photos with some background, so I could view them on another site, in context, it might be believable for me. Notice there’s no background where you can see some setting, for example, what conference, what lecture, what location.

seawulf575's avatar

@jca2 The point is, if someone is standing up on a stage and waves at the crowd or even gesticulates to make a point during a speech, at some point their hand is going to be in that position. The picture gets snapped and suddenly they are Nazis. I’m struggling to see why the left is so Nazi crazy. I guess Russia, Russia, Russia wore itself out, then Racist wore itself out, then Xenophobe, sexist, and homophobe all had a turn. In the end, the left seems to be nothing but the side of name calling.

To try and make it all true to the adherents, they use words like “Authoritarianism” or “Controlling Government”, forgetting the whole time that those are exactly what the left has pushed for decades…a centralized, bloated government that has control over most aspects of your life including telling everyone what to think and what to say.

The whole thing gets really, really, old. Now it is that President Trump and anyone on the right are Nazis!!!! Forget that what he is trying to do is shrink the size and power of the federal government, decentralize the power to the states, and basically do everything to fight the authoritarianism that was being pushed on everyone. He is the exact opposite of a Nazi as are those that are supporting his efforts.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Musk’s gesture wasn’t an accident he purposely did it,WHY? “Authoritarianism” or “Controlling, I haven’t seen a left wing party threaten to take over ,annex, or invade a sovereign country in many years Trump has made such threats.

Zaku's avatar

“The point is, if someone is standing up on a stage and waves at the crowd or even gesticulates to make a point during a speech, at some point their hand is going to be in that position.”
– You’re right about that, that IS what was done to produce those silly images you linked to of Obama, Clinton, Harris and Warren. Which is why THOSE images, are not worth discussing, except to observe the ridiculous extent to which disinformation is being employed to distract from actual issues.

And if even you know that they were taken out of context, why did you try to use them and ask us to explain?

There is video available of the Musk salute, which was NOT just his hand going in that direction.

Of course, the more important distinction, is that Obama, Clinton, Harris and Warren never behaved at all like Nazis. But Trump and Musk have.

And that answers your enigma about “why the left is so Nazi crazy”. All the things they have done that indicate that they’ve been following Hitler’s playbook, and that they intend to continue in that direction.

What the hell are you doing trying to defend them?

seawulf575's avatar

@Zaku I posted those pictures because it is just as idiotic as posting pictures of Musk or President Trump or any other right winger and then trying to make it a Nazi salute. I did it because I already knew all of you would jump on the hypocrisy train and try to make nothing of those pictures “because they are just pictures taken out of context”. And of course anything a lefty posts where they supply the context has got to be true, right?

Let’s see….the Nazis used the Worker’s Party to gain power. Who uses the unions? Oh yeah…Dems. They helped create and support the Antifa and BLM groups…those how were their “brown shirts” that would deal with individuals in the streets. They create bigger and bigger government that has more and more control. They worked with the media to establish a propaganda wing of the party. They attacked through the police and the courts anyone that dared to go against their ideals. They worked with the media and the social media groups to censor anyone that dared to voice opposition to them. They use identity politics to focus their followers on “the bad guys”. They are always trying to disarm the American people. All of these are actions that Hitler used to take control in Germany. So why would anyone NOT see that they are far closer to Hitler than anyone on the Right? When you compare those to what is being pushed by the right, we want smaller government, less controlling government, more rights restored to people and moved to the states, we want no censorship, we want media that only reports the facts…not opinion as facts. Basically if the right-wingers were the Nazis of the world, then we are doing exactly opposite of what Hitler did.

And you folks falling back on “NAZI!!!” are not as new as you think. Dems have been doing that for 60 years. It started with accusing Barry Goldwater of trying to join up with his German counterparts. It hasn’t stopped since then. The Dems have been calling anyone that didn’t agree with them names for more than half a century.

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