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MakeItSo1701's avatar

Can anyone recommend me some sci-fi movies?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13712points) 3 hours ago

I am picky, so I will give a brief list of some TV shows/movies I watched recently and a quick why I like them to maybe help.

2001 A Space Odyssey: I loved the visuals and that it is accurate to real zero gravity/space travel (or at least at the time). I loved the story about a being guiding humanity through various stages.

Blade Runner: Cool cyberpunk setting. Loved the AI stuff

Star Wars: Fun, and a bit silly. Good story and cool space fights and characters.

Star Trek: Love that it is more philosophical. I love that it is more about space exploration rather than fighting or wars.

I love cyberpunk settings, I also love steampunk but not sure how many movies fit that bill.

I don’t prefer lots of action. I loved 2001 and Trek because of that, but if the story is really good I don’t mind.

On my list is Interstellar and The Martian.

I am willing to branch out from my preferences. Length of the movie doesn’t matter, but shorter films are easier than 2.5 hour ones.

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21 Answers

hat's avatar

Moon (2009)

ragingloli's avatar

Ad Astra.
Alien Code.
Don’t Look Up.
The Final Countdown.
The Vast of Night.
Shin Godzilla.
Turbo Kid.
Mars Attacks.
The Thing.
Space Cop.
Astro Boy.
Robot and Frank.
Starship Troopers
The Matrix
The Man from Earth
Galaxy Quest

mazingerz88's avatar

Animated masterpiece sci-fi films…

Ghost in the Shell
Wings of Honnemise

Masterpiece sci-fi anime TV series…

Cowboy Bebop

jca2's avatar

I know you put this in my Questions for You, but I’m not really into sci-fi.

What I have watched recently, and really loved, is a post apocalyptic series based on a video game, The Last of Us. It’s one season, and season 2 is going to drop very soon. It stars Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey. I’m not into violence, and the first episode is really violent, but my daughter had watched the whole series and she wanted me to watch it with her, so I dealt with not liking violence and I can tell you that it was a great series and the majority of it is not violent.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Thanks all!!!! I will look into these.

@jca2 I have heard of both the games and show. Never appealed to me but maybe I will check it out.

Also, how did I put this in your “questions for you”?

Caravanfan's avatar

Denis Villenueve made some films that may be up your alley

Blade Runner 2049
Dune parts 1 and 2

jca2's avatar

My apologies @MakeItSo1701. It was in my Questions for You and I thought you suggested it.

Check out Last of Us. I think you’ll like it. I can’t wait for Season 2.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Dune of course!

Zaku's avatar

Brazil (1985)

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)

The Matrix (1999)

Silent Running (1972)

The Thing (1982)

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Serenity, thank me later. Put that on the top of your list.

Zaku's avatar

(@Blackwater_Park Wouldn’t you say Serenity is sort of best-watched after the Firefly series?)

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@jca2 Highly recommend playing both games. They’re better than the series so far.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

@Zaku I watched the film first. Then finding out there is a whole series was quite a treat.

seawulf575's avatar

The Terminator movies
Minority Report
War of the Worlds
Strange Days
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
The Puppet Masters
They Live – campy but fun
Tron (?)
The Abyss
12 Monkeys


Plan 9 from Outer Space – a winner of the Golden Turkey Award and nominated as so-bad-its-good.
Dark Star – a competitor with Plan 9
Idiocracy – complete comedy but a bit scary at how accurate it seems to be!

LuckyGuy's avatar

The Day the Earth Stood Still – 1951.

It plays off the fear we had of the atom bomb and its potential for disaster and aliens much smarter and more capable than our best and brightest.
On the production side you have to appreciate what they did in that film with none of the tech we use today.


RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Mars Attacks. Is a sci-fi comedy.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Zaku Works either way watching the Firefly series first or the film. Chances are you’ll get to like the series. Wish there was more. Hoped for a reunion but I can only assume it’s way past any possibility of that happening at this point.

@Blackwater_Park Check Cowboy Bebop out. I always have this feeling Whedon had seen this brilliant animated series and it inspired him to create Firefly.

Imo Bebop is the BEST sci-fi anime series out there.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Trying for stuff others havent sugested
Children of Men
Escape from New York
Under the skin

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Galaxy Quest. Is another Sci-fi comedy.

mazingerz88's avatar

Enemy Mine
Ender’s Game
Real Genius

JLeslie's avatar

You have a lot of good suggestions already!

If you are interested in streaming some shows, Counterpart was only two seasons, I think you would like it. The world splits and so there are two parallel Earths, but each goes through different experiences. One thing to note is it was created before Covid19, yet it deals with the aftermath of a pandemic (how the population is affected psychologically and different policies in place) in one of the worlds.

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