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mazingerz88's avatar

What other ingredients can you put in with scrambled eggs?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29365points) 3 hours ago from iPhone

I fry either diced potatoes or diced onions together with scrambled eggs. Which other ingredients can I use? Thanks.

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9 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Diced ham. Shredded cheese. Diced tomatoes.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

A dab of cream is nice.
Some grated Cheddar is tasty.
A spoonful of salsa.
Just a few ideas that have worked for us over the years.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Pan fry some onions, garlic and ham chunks. Mix in eggs with shredded cheddar cheese, make sure to really whip the eggs. Salt & pepper to taste.

mazingerz88's avatar

Thanks jellies!!!

@ragingloli tempted to try that!

ragingloli's avatar

You should. They are a revelation once you taste them.

Forever_Free's avatar

Diced bacon

Jeruba's avatar

Well, the other night my son threw a package of frozen stir-fry Chinese vegetables into a skillet with a little oil, tossed them around a bit, added some chopped cooked bacon, and poured six fork-scrambled eggs over them. Came out great for the two of us.

I have used the following, in various combinations:

Shredded cheeses

Chopped and lightly sauteed first:
green bell peppers
red bell peppers
shredded carrots
chopped celery

Cooked first:
potatoes, in small chunks or slices (usually leftovers)

chopped baby spinach (alternatively, serve the eggs on a bed of fresh, chopped spinach)

Might also use
chopped fresh zucchini, yellow squash, bean sprouts
frozen “Southwest” vegetables
and just about any other vegetables, cooked to the point that a few minutes in the pan with eggs is enough to finish cooking them

gondwanalon's avatar

When I was 5 years old my baby sitter put jelly (it was strawberry I think) on her scrambled eggs. That seemed very weird even at that young age. I’ve never heard of anyone else doing that..

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