Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

In what situation will you most likely feel sleepy even of you had enough sleep the night before?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29365points) 4 hours ago from iPhone

Humor welcome. Thanks.

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8 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Waiting for an appointment. I always want just… more… sleep.

ragingloli's avatar

- immediately after waking up.
– sometime in the afternoon.
– after eating a large meal.

canidmajor's avatar

First line of Moby Dick. Call me Ishmael. zzzzzzzzzzzz………

Forever_Free's avatar

When I talk to my friend in Australia. The 16 hour time zone differences usually has one of us start to yawn.

janbb's avatar

TL:dr – zzzzzzzz

smudges's avatar

– immediately after waking up. (within 2 hours)
– sometime in the afternoon.
– after eating a large meal.

longgone's avatar

Warm room, boring lecture. History of Roman Law at 8 am…

MakeItSo1701's avatar

My work meetings.

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