General Question

Caravanfan's avatar

What is your take on the meeting today between Zelensky, and the convicted felon and his lackey?

Asked by Caravanfan (14156points) 3 hours ago

Not going to bother to put a link as there are crapton of sources online from whatever news media you like.

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17 Answers

janbb's avatar

Disgusted. Big bullies.

Pandora's avatar

It went the way I figured it would. Trump only did this meeting because people were pissed that he wanted to do peace talks with Putin and not involve Zelensky. This is purely for optics. I knew he would do and say stupid things and try to make it look like Zelensky didn’t care about helping Ukraine out. He has already agreed to sell out Ukraine to Putin, so this wasn’t going to go anywhere. It’s just another episode to the Reality show called the “White House”. The bull crap that Trump tried to bait Zelensky in seems like something a reality TV show director would write up to pull ratings. It was a stupid fight over nothing. Trump just wanted an excuse. He late said that all Americans were disgusted with Zelensky’s behavior. No. I was disgusted by the performance of Dumb and Dumber, berating Zelensky when he literally came to beg for continued assistance to save his country and countrymen.

chyna's avatar

Obviously it was for TV ratings. trump even mentioned it would make for great TV.
They are disgraceful and disgusting bullies. The world must be laughing at the former greatest country on earth.

janbb's avatar

^^ I think a lot people in the world are crying at the damage we’re doing to their lives.

Jeruba's avatar

My take? Disgraceful.

Give it a year and they’ll be teaching Russian in American kindergartens.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Trump punching Zelensky while, whatever his name is with DARK eye shadow, holds Zelensky ! !

JLeslie's avatar

Horrifying! I could not believe that was broadcast on TV.

Here is an article with responses from around the world.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Trump said his comments to the wrong Vladimir. I would agree that what he said should be to Putin. Did Trump confuse the two?

The news story triggered anxiety in me, and had to turn off.

canidmajor's avatar


janbb's avatar

Well, I guess the Trumpster isn’t getting his minerals now! Boo Hoo

Blackwater_Park's avatar

It was a big shit show wasn’t it? I also turned it off halfway through.

JLeslie's avatar

I’m guessing Trump supporters thought it was clever.

gondwanalon's avatar

Sad that emotions seem to take over for Zelenskyy and Trump. Too bad that it was for all the wold to see and not in private.

The only winner is Putin.

kruger_d's avatar

This was clearly Trump and Vance’s intent. I thought Zelenskyy handled it well.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Putin got his money’s worth !

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