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SQUEEKY2's avatar

Crazy question, do you think Trump might put boots on the ground to help Putin?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23590points) 1 day ago

After all according to Trump Ukraine started it, and Putin is Trump’s close friend.
Think it could happen?

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10 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Wrong question.

Would Trump welcome Russian troops on the ground in the US – in Democratic states – to take over those states and turn them republican by force?

gondwanalon's avatar

Looks like it’s going to be a long 4 years. HA!

ragingloli's avatar

What I think might happen is that Agent Krasnov will start invasions of Canada/Greenland/Panama, to force Europe to come to their defence militarily, further crippling any aid that Ukraine would receive.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

That is truly terrifying, maybe Trump knew something when yelling at Zellinsky he might be starting WW3?

Blackwater_Park's avatar

I don’t. I do think Trump just wants the conflict to end. That part I agree on, but I would not be going about it like he is though. We were heading to WWIII by continuing to supply aid to Ukraine. Putin needs a graceful “out” because he has way overstepped and needs to save face. This is going to require concessions from Ukraine and Zelensky does not seem to want to do this. I don’t think Trump and Putin are buddies. I think Trump is trying to deescalate tensions between us and Russia.

Jeruba's avatar

I posted this three days ago on another thread. Seems even more plausible now:

It is now imaginable that we may see foreign troops on American soil. Beyond the imaginable should be the possibility that they may be invited by our president. But suddenly I can entertain the prospect, with a sick, cold pain in the pit of my stomach.

janbb's avatar

I think there would be a uproar of some kind if he tries it. There are rumblings already after that despicable White House meeting.

Caravanfan's avatar

Not a crazy question, but I do not think the sexual abuser will send troops to aid Putin. He doesn’t need to. All he needs to do is stop sending military aid and support to Ukraine.

Forever_Free's avatar

I see him stopping aid now as a justification that he wasn’t thanked or appreciated enough. His ring needed kissing and I am glad that Zelenskyy didn’t cave.
Zelenskyy was the clear World Leader in that meeting. Donny will have to find someone else to kick now.

janbb's avatar

@Forever_Free And just why Trump felt he should be thanked the aid that Biden provided, I have no idea.

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