General Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Where did "Bridge Mixture" get its name?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25142points) 17 hours ago

Just wondering.

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5 Answers

seawulf575's avatar

I’ve heard two answers. The first is that it was frequently on the table during Bridge tournaments. The other is that it was named for a footbridge where shake from a variety of conveyor belts in the Hershey factory fell and the workers used to snack on it while at work. I have to wonder why they would eat something that fell onto the floor, but maybe it caught on railings and things like that.

Forever_Free's avatar

You know that beautiful Mackinac Bridge?

Not there.

elbanditoroso's avatar

They (it) was named by Simon and Garfunkel (the folk singers) – they were playing bridge while on a river boat cruise on the Mississippi in 1972. The river was rough and choppy that day, which was the inspirate for their song “Bridge over Troubled Waters” listen

They were sitting at a table with a bowl of nuts while playing bridge – snack food. However the river was so rough that the nuts almost fell to the floor – when Paul Simon prevented the bowl from falling, he caused the nuts to be poorly distributed within the bowl.

Hence, Bridge Mix.

janbb's avatar

It was something to serve while playing bridge.

SnipSnip's avatar

Look it up. There are quite a few claims to this information. I, personally, like Hershey’s explanation of how the name came about. I think the answer of in the 1800s a mix of chocolate candy and nuts being placed on bridge game tables is most likely. I read more than one story that dated this mix to the 1800s.

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