Social Question

jca2's avatar

Are there any foods or drinks that you are on the fence about buying because the price has gone up to what you feel is unacceptable?

Asked by jca2 (17151points) 14 hours ago

I am a big Diet Coke fan and I usually have it in the house. When the 2 liter bottle is 2.50 or under, I will buy it. Lately, the local stores all are charging closer to 3 dollars a bottle, or they have the smaller (1.25 liter) one for 1.50. I’ve been strategizing about where to find it at a lower price or dealing with not having it in the house. If I’m jonesing for it, I can get it at McD’s, when I’m out and about, large size, 1.50 which isn’t bad.

I also very rarely buy beef to have at home, because the price is usually so high. If anything, I’ll buy hamburger meat if it’s on sale.

I tell my daughter that when I was little, old people used to always talk about how expensive everything was, and now, when I’m with my friends, we often talk about how expensive everything is.

Are there any foods or drinks that you want and maybe used to have on a regular basis, but now, since the price is up, you are doing without?

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9 Answers

chyna's avatar

Diet Pepsi. It’s 7.00 a six pack now and I used to be able to get 4 six packs for that price.

janbb's avatar

No. It’s just me so I usually buy what I want. Not in the supermarket but there are some restaurants where I think the prices are too high. There is a Turkish restaurant that I was thinking of trying. I looked at their menu and a bowl of soup was 9.99. Not going there.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Yeah, there is a sugar free ,no food coloring, preservatives, soda ,it used to be $3.99 a six pack now it’s close to $10.00 to rich for my blood.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Any random “It would be nice to go to Starbucks” or “Let’s just drive through somewhere” is over for us. We simply will not pay fast food prices when we could spend that money on a good sit-down, quality meal or get healthy food at the grocery store. When you drive through the golden arches and a meal for two is $30+ then it’s a no. Yes, we have been eating healthier as a result.

ragingloli's avatar

Döner, because they are at 8,50 for a big one with cheese.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I have stopped buying bottled iced tea, and make my own all the time.

YARNLADY's avatar

We switched to ground turkey awhile back, but I’m thinking about going back to ground beef because it tastes better.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Everything, but I still buy stuff, it is just for me.

Main things: healthy food like fruit, and chocolate. Chocolate is getting nuts. $4 for a regular candy bar at my work! What!? And it’s cheap hershey chocolate. I bought organic, ethically sourced dark chocolate made at the store they sell it at for $5 a bar and it is so, so much better. If they can do that price with organic everything Hershey has no business scamming us.

Anyways end of chocolate rant.

I need to eat healthier and I want to make my own meals, but $100+ for less than a week of food is stupid so I stick with frozen meals.

JLeslie's avatar

Even going back 10 years ago I refused to buy Honey Crisp apples for more than $3.50 a pound and that to me is crazy high already. They have been cheaper the last few years.

I haven’t bought a dozen eggs for more than $6, and when they are that high I usually pass them by. A dozen for more than $5 is really over my threshold. I do buy egg whites in a carton, that has not gone up as much as whole eggs so I haven’t changed buying them.

For 25 years my husband and I almost never order a soda in a restaurant because of the price. I quit Coke a long time ago, but I do love it when I cheat.

For a while I wasn’t buying some cuts of meat, but some of those prices came back down.

Deli meat is so expensive now. It’s bad for me anyway. I buy it less often. $12—$13 a pound for ham?!

I absolutely pass on items with gouging prices. I can eat other foods or wait for a sale for most things.

Anything that makes the news or is talked about on social media I figure if I wait until that calms down then the price will likely come down as people stop hoarding.

We buy packaged salad kits quite a bit, and I try to only buy them on sale.

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