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elbanditoroso's avatar

Should Pete Rose be reinstated to baseball's good list so he can be elected to the Hall of Fame?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33699points) 12 hours ago

My view: Yes.

Rose was an incredible ball player – some of the records he set still stand.

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Yes, he bet on baseball, which was not permitted by baseball rules at the time. But he never bet against the teams he played on or was managing.

His performance on the field speaks for itself.

Should Pete Rose be made eligible to be elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame?

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7 Answers

YARNLADY's avatar

Yes. I think the punishment was way out of line.

Caravanfan's avatar

Absolutely not, and I’m a big baseball guy.

Brian1946's avatar

He only bet on teams that he played for or managed to win, so I think he should be reinstated.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I’m not a good judge of sports. I’ve never watched them on TV or followed a team closely. I live in Milwaukee, but among our big-time sports attractions I can name only a single current player, Giannis Antetokounmpo of the Milwaukee Bucks basketball team. I know zero Green Bay Packers (football) and Milwaukee Brewers (baseball).

But almost 40 years after his retirement, even I know what a Pete Rose slide is.

That much heart and devotion to the game belongs in the Hall of Fame.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Yes, he should.

filmfann's avatar

I love baseball.
Rose gambled on the game, and lied about it.
He deserved what happened.

seawulf575's avatar

As much as sports gambling is becoming legal and commonplace, I’d have to say yes. Do I approve of him breaking the rules? Nope. Do I approve of sports gambling? Nope. But to punish a guy for life for something that is now legal is silly.

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