General Question

flutherother's avatar

Why is America so intent on containing China while seemingly happy with Russian expansion.

Asked by flutherother (35038points) 11 hours ago

It seems contradictory to me.

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5 Answers

Pandora's avatar

Because Putin is white and tries to make Trump feel important and probably has dirt on Trump, but Xi Jinping isn’t and doesn’t feel he has to play games. China really doesn’t need anything from the US. They can easily do trade with most of the world, to include Russia.

Caravanfan's avatar

Because the convicted sexual abuser is likely a Russian asset.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Caravanfan Hit the nail on the HEAD !

Zaku's avatar

The US is not, but we have this Russian asset who made it to President thanks to corporate media, social media bot campaigns, a lot of wiped voter rolls, and computer hacking the vote counts in swing states.

Forever_Free's avatar

There is zero logic to anything at this point.

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