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elbanditoroso's avatar

Are there towns named for every one of the US presidents?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33701points) 2 hours ago

Clearly the early presidents have towns or cities named for them (Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Jackson, etc.). Near me, we have Jefferson, Georgia, located in Jackson County.

It’s the later presidents that I’m wondering about. Are there towns named Roosevelt, Kennedy, Nixon, Reagan, Obama, etc.?

Can you imagine living in Trump, Vermont? Or Obama, Mississippi?

Are recent presidents being cheated by not having towns named for them?

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2 Answers

seawulf575's avatar

I’d have to guess no. I found this link that has a list of cities named after presidents. However it is inaccurate in several of them. Cleveland Ohio was not named after Grover Cleveland…it was named for General Moses Cleveland. Likewise Bushtown KY was not named after either of the presidents. it was named after a frontier family in that area. So it would take a little research. I don’t know of any towns in the US named after Barack Obama, though there are quite a few Japanese cities named “Obama”. In Japanese, Obama means “little beach”. Is Obama a little beach?

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