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MakeItSo1701's avatar

How can my dogs hear me when I am inside and they are outside?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13737points) 2 hours ago

Our property is about an acre. The back yard is a little over half that.

They were towards the back of the yard, quite a bit away from the house. I quietly walked into the kitchen, and put their bowls on the table.

They looked up towards the house, and ran up to the deck.

How??? They are pretty far away, and outside??

I get dogs have great hearing but this seems almost impossible. How can they be in the corner of the yard hearing me put food in their bowls.

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4 Answers

Zaku's avatar

Yes. Especially the bowl hitting the table. Memorized food sound.

They could also be psychic.

Pandora's avatar

They are all like that. My dog could sleep through the loudest noises and not even hear me call call her, but the moment I picked up her bowl, she shot down those stairs like a bat out of hell. I didn’t even need to put her food in. I would even test out taking out different foods out of the fridge. Like taking out milk or grapes (which dogs can’t eat). She would stay upstairs. But the moment I pulled out strawberries, her favorite fruit she would do a full charge to the kitchen. The only thing I think is that if they are on a schedule, they have a rough idea of when mealtime is and will listen for certain sounds and smells.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

The schedule makes sense. I am not always on schedule but I feed them 11am-1230pm.

I just have been testing out trying to be as quiet as possible and I cannot out smart them.

Zaku's avatar

You could take notes and then report them for Rupert Sheldrake’s ongoing research.

He wrote the book, Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home: And Other Unexplained Powers of Animals

Here is an example of some of his methodology

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