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gorillapaws's avatar

Does Trump know how to read?

Asked by gorillapaws (31065points) 3 hours ago

Maybe this is fake news from the left, but it sure looks like Trump is functionally illiterate and avoids ever having to read in front of other people. If he is illiterate, does that change your opinion of him? being able to read an important skill for a US President to have?

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6 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

On a primary school level, sure. That is how he talks and tweets, anyway.

hat's avatar

It’s possible that he can’t read – or has difficulties. He certainly speaks as though he is proud of himself for forming a sentence. He’s often so proud, that he has to repeat the sentence a few times.

But the thing that is bad about Trump is his right-wing politics. Liberals love to call him a felon or orange or orangutan, as though that makes him worse. Remember when they used to focus on the size of his hands and insinuate that it meant he had a small penis?

Here’s the thing. There are things to criticize Trump for without demonizing felons or those with limited literacy or making small penis jokes. Those things just make the arguments against his politics seem insincere. It’s like when Republicans used to talk about the size of Hillary Clinton’s ass or her clothing, rather than her politics (hint: they didn’t really oppose her politics).

Is basic literacy an important skill for a US president to have? I don’t necessarily think so. It’s mostly a figurehead position, and is used to bring in votes for the wing of the uniparty so they can play the whole “democracy” thing.

I’d take an actual leftist who couldn’t read, was a convicted felon, had bad skin, no hair, was not attractive, and could hardly speak over any president we’ve had in US history.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Read? This is the mob boss that thinks a trade deficit is a subsidy.

Forever_Free's avatar

Can’t read, Can’t form a full coherent sentence, cornered trying to read King Charles letter.

Doesn’t surprise me.

We know he sees colors very clearly.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

King Charles’ letter was in English – - maybe if it was Russian, he wouldn’t have trouble.

Pandora's avatar

I do think he can’t read and probably has the reading level of a 3rd grader, but I’m sure he also needs glasses but refuses to wear them because they show he is aging and he thinks it makes him seem weak. The man is so vain that you can easily get him to sign off and giving away his millions because he won’t read what he’s signing.

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