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MakeItSo1701's avatar

How many fictional languages can you learn?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13743points) 5 hours ago

I know one is Klingon, you can learn that on Duolingo. That elf language in Lord of the Rings?

Can you speak Ewok? Jawa? or R2 droid? What about Chewbacca. I don’t know what that would be called. Fuzzballese? I am not sure. Shyriiwook, boring. Fuzzballese.

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2 Answers

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Vulcan? Romulan?

Brian1946's avatar

I’ve made up about 2 bogus languages in the course of dealing with telemarketers and various other people.

Here’s a convo I had with a Tm awhile ago:

Tm: Hello, who am I speaking to?

Me: Cheena malamaboombo.

Tm: Could you please repeat that, sir?

Me: Nyarka tamblosavich.

Tm: This is BJ Construction & Renovation. What time would you like us to come by and start criticizing your house?

Me: Cthulhu inna moomoo, mawma clonko bama!

Tm: I’m sorry sir, but I don’t understand what language you’re speaking.

Me: Most earthlings have trouble with multi-lingual Kepleranian dialects. <click>

Mastering my 2 nonecahedrons of neologisms is good enough for me.

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