Social Question

canidmajor's avatar

Wooly mice to wooly mammoths. Incredibly cool or incredibly stupid?

Asked by canidmajor (21786points) 2 hours ago

I’ve been hearing about this idea: and personally, I love the science and the idea of developing a greater understanding of extinct genomes in general, but I have some concerns about the possible abuses of this kind of tech.
This is not straight across the board cloning, it involves some rather dramatic jiggery-pokery with existing species.

Would Michael Crichton cheer or groan?

Your take?

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5 Answers

janbb's avatar

It scares me but right now, maybe unleashing the woolly mammoths and dinosaurs would be a good thing?

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

OMG! I think it’s a fabulous idea!

chyna's avatar

I think they would be less scary than snakes. Snakes are slithering and sneaky. You would hear a Wolly Mamoth coming from a long way off.

janbb's avatar

And think of the fabulous sweaters that could be made!

ragingloli's avatar

They should do that to humans. They have been hideous skinwalkers for far too long.

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