General Question

janbb's avatar

Help me in getting a new PC?

Asked by janbb (63363points) 3 hours ago

My desktop is over 10 years old and won’t update the virus protections, etc. I’m running Windows 7.

I think I want another PC desktop for ease of learning. I don’t need a laptop so please don’t suggest that. My son suggested I get a MAC but I am concerned about conversion of data and the learning curve.

My main question is: can I just go to Best Buy and get the Geek Squad to come out and set it up or should I look for a computer consultant?

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4 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Best Buy Geek Squad is just fine – they’ll take care of you perfectly well. For normal use, a consultant is overkill.

Heck, if I lived closer I would do it myself at no charge.

And I agree with the choice of desktop. Better screens, easier ergonomics.

As far as the brand – it really doesn’t matter. All Windows machines are pretty much commodity items these days. You won’t go wrong with HP, Dell, Gateway, Asus, or any familar name.

janbb's avatar

@elbanditoroso Thank you. What i have now is a Dell.

Caravanfan's avatar

Your Best Buy plan is fine. If you’re not comfortable setting it up on your own and they will set it up for you it’s a fine plan. You don’t need to spend a ton of money on the PC as anything will be faster than what you have now.

SnipSnip's avatar

I suggest you buy a desk top at Costco. They provide telephone support for everything connected to and related to getting your new computer working. We have two Windows 7 desktops and will not let them go as long as repairs keep them going. I don’t like what came after 8.

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