General Question

Jeruba's avatar

How do I tell my computer where I am?

Asked by Jeruba (56211points) 3 hours ago

By the number of ads I get with specific locations mentioned, I gather that my computer thinks I live in a city well north of here. I have no idea where it got that wrong information. I haven’t even been there more than once or twice.

How do I give my computer accurate information about where I live? Just the name of the city is close enough.

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4 Answers

Forever_Free's avatar

Your IP Address gives you away. Unless you are using VPN software.

Jeruba's avatar

Oh. Well, but it’s not giving me away. It’s giving away some other location. I suppose that’s where the ISP is? I really get tired of seeing ads for local goods and services in a town I never visit. Is there any way to redirect it without messing with my setup (which was arranged by my late husband, not me)?

janbb's avatar

Have you set up an Ad Blocker? I use Ad Block Plus and it works quite well. I’m sure there are others.

longgone's avatar

Would you like no ads, or different ads?

I like none, so I have downloaded programs such as UBlockOrigin. If you want ads about your region, some googling for key words should help.

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