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JLeslie's avatar

Can you help me search for studies that show efficacy of Nexlitol in patients with high LP(a)?

Asked by JLeslie (65934points) 8 hours ago from iPhone

Nexlitol and Nexlizet are used when a patient can’t tolerate statins to lower cholesterol. The studies show a reduction in heart events, but everything I read doesn’t mention if it lowers heart attacks in people with high Lipoprotein(a) otherwise known as LP(a).

High LP(a) seems to have an extremely high correlation with heart attacks and other heart events. Science is showing that and I personally know two people who had their cholesterol controlled well and still had heart attacks and they both have high LP(a) just to help along that statistic.

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1 Answer

janbb's avatar

I would think your best bet would be to go to a public library that has access to specialized medical databases that most of us don’t and ask the reference librarian for help.

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