There are some situations where I’ll allow myself (or us, if I’m with my daughter) to buy things, but otherwise I’m trying to reduce on buying because I don’t have the room or the need.
If we take a trip to a special place, like a summer trip, we’ll get some things. Refrigerator magnets, or some handmade pottery from a craft fair are two examples. If my daughter wants a tee shirt or sweat shirt, yes.
Last year we went to Maine in the summer and I bought a ceramic pig and a ceramic owl from a craft fair, and a few other little pottery things that were handmade from a pottery store. Those things are memorable souvenirs for me.
If we go to a museum, I may buy a postcard or an art print (poster) and frame it. Those things are memorable souvenirs, for me, too.
I may buy a book or two a month.
I will buy craft supplies as needed because I like to do crafts (wood refrinishing for example, so clamps, sandpaper, sanders, brushes, paint and stuff like that). I’ve bought adult coloring books and colored pens and pencils and never actually did anything with them. I have all kinds of craft supplies and it’s very organized.
I’m trying not to buy clothes but if I see sneakers and they’re well priced, I buy them and store them away so when I need some, I have a supply and they were reasonably priced. If I go to Costco and they have something really well priced, I ask myself if I really need it, and I try to resist buying it.
I’ve been trying to get rid of jewelry and clothes since I have a lot. It’s a constant going-through and purging.