Social Question

MakeItSo1701's avatar

How do you match your outfit style to your glasses?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13783points) 15 hours ago

I have these the first color option, it should auto show that.

I either wear dark colors, or brighter, patterned outfits. Is it better to keep with darker, subtle outfits so I don’t look obnoxious?

I usually am in sweatpants and graphic tees so I am not a fashionista. I want to start dressing nicer, and the career I want I need to look nice.

My glasses are unconventional, they already draw attention.

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8 Answers

YARNLADY's avatar

Discuss this with the sales person at your supplier. They have the information you need.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

My supplier? You mean my glasses dealer?

YARNLADY's avatar

^^ yes, the clerk who sell you the glasses.

longgone's avatar

“so I don’t look obnoxious” made me think your glasses would be extremely noticeable, something like red and purple zigzags and orange-tinted glasses. With the glasses you linked, I wouldn’t even worry. Sure, the shape is unusual, but remember the Spotlight Effect: nobody is studying you as closely as you think. Also, a more creative outfit will naturally draw attention away from them, whereas they’d be a nice little detail to notice with more subdued clothes.

I wear whatever I want, and my glasses are solid colours, so they always work. I do have two different pairs: a dark-brown frame, and a dusky blue. I like the blue one a little better, so I wear that when I’m choosing my outfit with care.

janbb's avatar

I love those frames! They’re really cute. Wear whatever you like with them. I’ve worn glasses most of my life and have no problem with choosing what to wear.

jca2's avatar

I now wear glasses about 80% of the time. I never try to match my clothes to my glasses. I never even think of it. My newest pair of glasses that I just bought are a clear plastic. Before that, my glasse were brown and turquoise. I have a bunch of pairs – tortoise shell plastic, all kinds.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Thanks all. I wasn’t sure if wearing certain things would be too much. They are subtle and look round at first glance though. I like them.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Male. Glasses are metal rim (titanium) silver in color. I wear them 100% of the time.

It makes no difference what clothing I am wearing. The glasses are a constaant.

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