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Pandora's avatar

If Genesis is correct about Eve and the apple, then didn't God make evil appear in the world on purpose?

Asked by Pandora (32674points) 5 hours ago

Please, those of you who don’t believe can chime in but this isn’t about belief. Think about it as a story and you are trying to understand the moral or reason for a part in that story. So for argument sake lets say we are just discussing a story.
So in this story, God knows everything and created everyone. Even the Angel Lucifer who later becomes Satan. So he created Angels, I guess with their own will. He saw that didn’t work out so well and created man. Man was innocent. God told man and woman you can have anything but this Lucifer apple tree which is the tree of knowledge. Knowledge is evil so must be a Lucifer tree.
So my point is he shows this tree to man and woman who are as innocent and pure as a child and lets them be tempted? Why?
As a parent would you leave something deadly where your kids can get hurt or die? No. So of all the places this tree couldn’t be anywhere else in the world or even not exist at all.
Or maybe the truth is God let man decide if he wanted knowledge and that is what the real story is about and it started the ball rolling towards the deadly sins and maybe God didn’t see that coming.

So, back to my main question. Is God the true architect of evil, but not necessarily on purpose? Just left the choice to man to know more. I even laugh and thought maybe God got tired of answering Adams and Eves questions about why this or why that and thought the tree of knowledge would let them discover it themselves.
Just a theory I have because kids can ask all sorts of questions and the one nice thing about growing up is they learn to look discover things on their own.

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6 Answers

Caravanfan's avatar

Yes. If there is a God than God is the true architect of evil. That’s a good take.

gorillapaws's avatar

@Caravanfan Arguably God left it just ambiguous enough that all women could forever be blamed for evil, which is even more evil, on a meta level…

To the OP’s question, God can’t be omniscient and omnipotent and then feign ignorance or impotence. it’s not logically consistent.

Pandora's avatar

@gorillapaws That’s also another point I’m making. On one had the Catholic faith says everything is by design. Which means God knows what people are going to do before they do it. Which would mean that he knew they would eat the apple. Even in the case of the story of Judas who betrayed Jesus. It was fortold he would be the betrayer. So my thought is why would God be mad if he bought into the world people he knew would do evil things. Unless, he doesn’t know everything or needs evil like the way ying and yang go together. One can’t exist without the other. But I always thought it was irrelevant who ate the apple first. The real question, is why did it exist at all.

gorillapaws's avatar

@Pandora That’s correct. Basically the religious answer is “God acts in mysterious ways” or “mortals can’t possibly understand the motivations of God” every time you point out something that doesn’t make sense. And technically it’s possible they’re right, although someone making it all up would also say exactly the same thing. These claims aren’t falsifiable which are why they’re beyond the purview of Science.

elbanditoroso's avatar

If you think of the bible as literature (not religion, but a folktale), then creating evil is simply a plot device that will lead to further drama as the story continues.

A lot like a murder mystery, where the body is found early in Chapter 1, but you don’t get the bad guy identified un til Chapter 40.

There is a school of thought none of the bible is true in a factual sense, but it is just a collection of stories written to show rules for living in society.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

It’s possible that sometime in the future, God would have allowed Adam and Eve to eat from that tree, but we don’t know now. But he did create them with free will and they chose to disobey him. He’s not the architect of evil, but rather wanted man to worship and obey him of his own choice. Trying to blame God because Adam and Eve sinned is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard, sorry. And yes God created Lucifer but Lucifer is the one that out of pride decided to defy God and that is why he is a fallen angel. By the way, we don’t know it was an apple. It just talks about the fruit.

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