Social Question

chyna's avatar

What is something you have never ever done?

Asked by chyna (51754points) 4 hours ago from iPhone

I have never ever used an Uber and I have never ever used door dash. What are some things most people around you have done or experienced that you haven’t?
Let’s try to keep it clean.

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6 Answers

snowberry's avatar

I’ve never scuba dived. My hubby used to be an instructor.

Brian1946's avatar

I’ve never kept it clean.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I have never used any of those services either, plus I have never performed heart surgery.

Zaku's avatar

* ridden a bicycle
* smoked a cigarette, cigar, or pipe
* done recreational drugs

jca2's avatar

I’ve never sky dived.

(Also like some above I’ve never scuba dived or used an Uber or Door Dash).

Pandora's avatar

I’ve never gone white water rafting. Always wanted too when I was younger but never had the chance or time. Now, this old body of mine couldn’t take that rough of a ride. I saw a video of my husband when he went white water rafting with friends, and it looked violent. I’ll probably come out of it with a body brace.

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