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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Can Trump void Bidens pardons?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25182points) 4 hours ago

I read that he is claiming that when Biden used an auto pen that they are invalid?

Can someone fact check for us?

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4 Answers

Blackwater_Park's avatar

It’s bunk. Digital copies will be auto penned but the original documents are not. Even if an auto pen was used it does not invalidate the document. There is no precedent to say they are invalid. If they are deemed invalid because of this it will cause chaos considering how many previous documents were signed this way. All that can be done is to make auto penned documents unofficial going forward.

ragingloli's avatar

As with every other illegal act he has committed so far, the following rule applies: If no one stops him, yes he can.
He will instruct his DOJ to start prosecuting. At best there will be some resignations until they find someone who starts the prosecutions (see: DOJ dropping the case against NY mayor Adams). He might even instruct his goons to start arresting them in the meantime.
When the courts rule against him, as they should, he will appeal that to his corrupt SC, while most likely also ignoring the court judgements in the meantime (which he is already doing in other court cases) and jail his enemies regardless.
If the SC rules in his favour, great, now he has legal cover. If they rule against him, he will ignore their ruling, claiming that the SC is not allowed to curtail is “legitimate executive power”.

SnipSnip's avatar

You can fact check.

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