Meta Question

KNOWITALL's avatar

Has anyone heard from our Queen?

Asked by KNOWITALL (30048points) 3 hours ago

I don’t see any updates on @Dutchess on social media. Anyone hear how she’s doing post-op?
Just concerned. Thanks.

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6 Answers

Brian1946's avatar

I haven’t heard from her, and I also wonder how Grimm is doing.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Her account hasn’t been accessed since February 4th 2025.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I am worried too. Grimm worries me too, we had been talking a bit then he disappeared. I sent both a PM a few weeks ago, but this being the only site I know them on, doesn’t help.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Grimmy/Chris has left. Fell out with the Mods and chose to leave. :(

MakeItSo1701's avatar

That makes me incredibly sad. He helped me through a lot of things and talked a lot of sense into me. He was very kind to me when I was going through hell. I appreciate him a lot.

jca2's avatar

I was in touch with someone who knows the Queen (someone who lives in her vicinity). She told me the Queen is “getting the help she needs” and doesn’t have a phone with her. I know a little more but don’t want to write it. If anyone wants to know, please pm me. I am not sure if she is ever coming back.

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