Social Question

smudges's avatar

Are We Great Yet?

Asked by smudges (11546points) 12 hours ago

…‘cause I just feel embarrassed.

Silly boys, JEEPS are for girls.

What are your favorite bumper stickers?

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21 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Were you ever?

jca2's avatar

I always thought “God is coming and she is pissed” was a funny one.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Trump and the fourth Reich!

canidmajor's avatar

Save the whales! Collect the entire set!

Zaku's avatar

What Would Republican Jesus Do?

Who would Jesus bomb?

Which money lenders would Jesus bail out?

seawulf575's avatar

My T-Rex ate your stick family

RocketGuy's avatar

Great at losing alliances, friends, and trade agreements! All on purpose.

canidmajor's avatar

@RocketGuy that seems a little long for a bumper sticker!

Forever_Free's avatar

When in my JEEP, I am great.

Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities Can Make You Commit Atrocities

smudges's avatar

Well, I was hoping to get actual bumper stickers, rather than made up politics, but oh well.

One I think is funny but is not really appropriate is: So you’re a feminist, ain’t that cute.

Love the whales one!

Pandora's avatar

I bought this before I knew Elon was crazy. Seems a lot of tesla owners are buying that one. Oh, and, We no longer have a difference of political opinion, we have a difference in morality.

seawulf575's avatar

I’m only speeding because I really have to poop.

RocketGuy's avatar

That’s our kids’ excuse when we do family zoom meetings.

KNOWITALL's avatar

So its very crass but the one I see that gets the most attention is ‘I eat a$$’.
Gross but apparently its very popular with younger generations.

janbb's avatar

Not so much to answer the question.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

RSN, in a black oval.

If you get close enough to read the fine print, it says Red Sox Nation.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Don’t laugh they are keeping my bumper on.

seawulf575's avatar

On the back of a handyman’s van: I can fix what your baby daddy can’t.

Zaku's avatar

@smudges The Jesus ones are all real bumper stickers I have seen.

smudges's avatar

Wow @Zaku! Kinda shocked. All I have stuck to my car is a vinyl sand dollar on the rear end that my sister made. The way things are, there’s no way I would advertise my politics or religion on my car for the world to see.

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