Social Question

MakeItSo1701's avatar

What is something that you are very proud of yourself for doing?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13857points) 1 day ago

I am still here is the big one. Existing.

I am starting to speak up for myself more.

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11 Answers

janbb's avatar

Surviving and thriving on my own.

smudges's avatar

Quitting drugs, alcohol and cigarettes.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Asking for help instead of going berserk, and blaming everyone when life happened to me from university to now.

Also never missing a dose of my mental health meds in 23 years.

Being sober for 25 years.
Never smoking, and avoiding cola for 3 years with one exception to find out how it affects me. Turns out that pop and low blood sugar caused my dizzy spells. So no forever to soft drinks.
Also finding out what foods I can’t eat for my ibs and medicine.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Getting all the ‘over 50’ tests done. Kinda hate it.

gondwanalon's avatar

Haven’t had any caffeine whatsoever for 16 months and counting. Finally got the monkey off my back. HA!

anniereborn's avatar

Surviving the death of my late husband. I never attempted to hurt myself
(tho I did think about it). I didn’t end up in the hospital (that sometimes surprises me).
I didn’t go stark raving mad (only a little bit)

Forever_Free's avatar

Raising my daughter as a single dad 24×7

seawulf575's avatar

Raising happy, healthy kids despite my psycho ex.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Getting sober. Coming out. Being stable while living with a diagnosis of mental illness. Finally thriving after being disowned.

Blackberry's avatar

Not being a whore just because I’m handsome. Turning down women actually makes you stronger!

Incoherency_'s avatar

Andrew Doosh Clay claims that as a “handsome” hooker, he lived high on the hogs, because the uggos paid big bucks!

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