Social Question

Would you tell a doctor you know their staff lied and gave bad information?
My doctor is supposed to be helping me get approval for a new medication and they screwed it up. It was denied by the insurance and then the doctor is supposed to send more information to the appeals office and instead my doctor’s office sent a letter just basically saying please approve without any information about my health and still to the same fax rather than the appeals department. The insurance read the letter to me.
I wrote my doctor through their portal telling them what they need to do, case number, fax number, need more information about my case for appeals to consider, and then they faxed a letter to the right place but still no significant information about why I need the drug.
I went to the office and they lavished me with drug samples and suddenly sent another fax still not saying much, but also included pages from my chart.
I talked to the nurse practitioner and the office manager and they told me they know what they are doing, they know what number to fax to, I’m lucky they are even trying to do an appeal, and they can’t write why I need the drug because of liability or some other bullshit, they can only attach my chart info. How can pointing out what on the chart is significant be a problem? It’s on the charting! Makes no sense. They said they have always been sending my chart pages. I don’t believe it, I want to find out.
During the conversation getting a Calcium CT (CAC) done was brought up because the insurance approves people who have a score of over 300. I said I was reluctant because of the radiation and I might not be over 300 (hopefully). Last time I had it done was 4 years ago and it was 12. A lot could have changed, but probably doubtful it’s over 300. The administrative person said, “it’s not an xray there isn’t radiation.” Idiot. I told him it’s multiple X-rays it’s a CT. The NP said it’s less radiation than a mammogram, which it isn’t or rarely is, and in fact the radiation for a CAC can be quite high relatively speaking, the range is crazy wide for CAC I don’t know why.
Right now I’m trying to get this drug approved, but afterwards would you tell the doctor who owns the practice the stupidity and condescension you experienced? Nicely of course. You know, to help her with her business.(I’m being half sarcastic half serious). I want to come with my proof of what was written and where faxes went and tell her what I was told, but I know it probably will be turned around into I’m an annoying patient who doesn’t know what she is talking about and must have misunderstood.