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Pandora's avatar

Howard Lutnick says the only people who would complain about not receiving Social Security checks would be fraudsters, do you agree?

Asked by Pandora (32719points) 12 hours ago

In this article Lutnick who is commerce secretary says if his 94 year old mother miss her check this month she wouldn’t call to complain. To which I like to say, she shouldn’t. Her son is a billionaire for one. People who live month to month on social security would complain and of course, some may not be able to complain because they may barely be able to care for themselves and may not have someone to help them.

The tone-deafness of this administration is beyond compare.
The destain for the poor is unlike anything I have ever seen in my life time.

Another suggested children should work to pay for their lunches. So what 5 year old jobs are out there?
I guess to the work in factories and fields to make up for the loss of migrant workers.

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11 Answers

filmfann's avatar

It’s garbage. He’s telling fraudsters how to behave.
If’n my check didn’t get deposited these days I would go nuclear.

Jeruba's avatar

I’d be in trouble without my SS, which I earned fair and square. I would have to complain loudly. It just about covers my insurance premiums, and I would be in a lot of trouble without it.


Pandora's avatar

@Jeruba, yes, thanks for the correction, but maybe destain as in removing a stain. LOL Only kidding.
As for what you and @filmfann wrote, I agree. They seem to think all old people are sitting on a ton of money and can afford to go a few months without payments because their rich relatives don’t have that worry. So everyone else must be thieves. Or at least they want the general public to believe that anyone complaining about not getting their social security must be a thief so you must ignore their complaint.

flutherother's avatar

Once you had a country run by the people for the people, now you have a country run by billionaires for billionaires.

janbb's avatar

Worst government ever!

jca2's avatar

These people come from such a position of entitlement and privilege that they’re totally clueless as to how many people struggle with budgets and just trying to get by.

Even if they’re not struggling, why would one not be concerned about a fund that obe worked and paid into, very likely for a lifetime?

ragingloli's avatar

It is the fraudsters that would stay silent, because complaining would open them up to scrutiny.
But sure, honest people would just stay silent and obediently die from exposure and hunger in the streets like good little serfs.
“close your eyes and think of england”

This is not just about money. This is about power. They want absolute control over you, not just physically or monetarily, but mentally. When you complain, that is seen as resistance, as defiance. As a challenge to their power. A signal to others to stand up. That is why they want you to be silent. Because when you silently acquiesce, their power over you is complete.

smudges's avatar

Hell I wouldn’t die quietly in the streets! But then, I’m not a “serf”.

“This is not just about money. This is about power. They want absolute control over you, not just physically or monetarily, but mentally. When you complain, that is seen as resistance, as defiance. As a challenge to their power. A signal to others to stand up. That is why they want you to be silent. Because when you silently acquiesce, their power over you is complete.”

Well of course, that’s obvious. What about that surprises you?

JLeslie's avatar

I saw this quote going around on Facebook. It is ridiculous to me. I wasn’t able to read the article.

I think most people would be calling. Maybe not the next day, but within a few weeks. Especially people who live check to check relying on their social security check. Someone who does not rely on it might not notice until a few weeks later if they don’t regularly check their bank account.

As far as children working to buy lunches, I am against that, but I think it is Japan (yikes I might be confusing it with another Asian country) has the children in school help with some “chores” at the schools, and there might be some merit to their philosophy, but income level does not impact it, and it is not about being fed or not, and it shouldn’t be. There was a CEO in Japan who has been quoted as saying everyone should clean toilets. Something like that, and he was being literal. The Japanese see it as a sign of respect for oneself and for others and good hygiene and brings luck. I don’t know how often that is practiced across Japan.

Maybe the children working thing somehow ties in with how parts of the Christian Right look at chores and how to become a productive adult. I do not agree with their POV, because it is not really applied like the Asian culture I mentioned and there is often racism in the conversation. I have had Christians tell me white people are more successful because they go to Christian schools and are used to dressing for a job because they wore uniforms in school, and their families and schools threatened them with physical punishment so they behaved, and they had chores to learn a strong work ethic. I mean really I was just flabbergasted and disgusted the first time I heard someone talk like that. I am not a fan of lots of chores nor the threat of physical punishment. I think modeling is the best teacher, and children can certainly do small things to learn how to take care of themselves and their environment, but I reject making them slaves to make an adults life easier.

I think people committing fraud would be loath to complain and call any attention to themselves. Defrauding the government is a serious crime with serious punishments.

Forever_Free's avatar

Absolute garbage. People everywhere will stand up for what they are due.
In fact, those who don’t stand up are the ones that are the known fraudsters who don’t want to attract attention.

chyna's avatar

Social Security is not a gift. We all paid into it our whole working life. It is our money. I disagree with those that say rich people might not notice right away.
I’ve worked in a doctors office with many doctors who have wealth, but each and every one of them start checking their accounts the day before payday for their pay. And if it’s not in their accounts that day, they complained to me and I was calling payroll immediately.
This would include if a doctor only had one day of pay coming to them.
Only fraudsters would not complain so as not to get caught.
Many people in my state are very poor and can’t afford their medicine or enough food.
Some of these children only get the free lunches at school and nothing at home.
The teachers in my town have worked out a program in the summer to continue feeding these kids that are hungry.
Some of these politicians have been born into wealth and have no idea what it’s like to be hungry and poor.

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