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MakeItSo1701's avatar

Do you believe the victim by default?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13865points) 2 days ago

I am conflicted on this. I want people to come forward, both men and women, and be heard. I feel that is very important. However, I try to remain neutral. The victim deserves a judgement free space where they can share their story… but the accused should not be vilified without being able to defend themselves.

A comedian I really like just admitted today to having sex with a drunk 19 year old after he got back with his wife. The 19 year old posted all on TikTok, and people are either 100% on her side or fully against her from what I have seen. “I always believe the victim” is something I have seen a lot during discussions of this issue.

Obviously she is claiming he assaulted her, and he says while things did happen, it wasn’t assault.

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