General Question

chyna's avatar

Do you have any tip’s for keeping bagged lettuce fresher longer?

Asked by chyna (51766points) 1 day ago from iPhone

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15 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Good question. I buy bagged lettuce and sometimes it sits a bit too long.

janbb's avatar

I buy the greenhouse lettuces that come in a plastic box with some roots. it lasts much longer. The bagged lettuce, especially the spring mix ones with purple rot so quickly.

Pandora's avatar

Wrap the bottom stem with a wet paper towel. Oh, unless you are talking about the one already pre cut. In that case, you could try to see if rinsing it with some lemon water and then rinse again with fresh water and then spin drying it will keep it fresher longer.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I buy spinach leaf lettuce and it stays good two weeks. Maybe check your bin temperature settings?

smudges's avatar

As soon as I open the bag I lay a dry paper towel as flat as I can under one side of the lettuce. It really works for me. Also keep in the drawer.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@smudges Yes dry is the key!

chyna's avatar

Okay, I will try that. Just bought a bag today.
Thanks all.

Forever_Free's avatar

In the crisper drawer with a dry paper towel in the plastic bag with the lettuce.

JLeslie's avatar

What kind of lettuce? Iceberg will go bad fast once you open it because it’s cut. Spring mix you get a little more time.

If you have a produce drawer that you can adjust the humidity put it on the lowest setting.

seawulf575's avatar

In addition to the dry paper towel, I gently squeeze the air out of the bag before I seal it again.

YARNLADY's avatar

@seawulf575 We do that, It seems to work quite well, Romain lettuce lasts about 2 weeks.

seawulf575's avatar

@YARNLADY With Romaine heads we wrap them in aluminum foil. They stay fresh forever. My wife found that out from somewhere and it works, though I don’t know why it should make any difference.

chyna's avatar

^I wonder if that would work on iceberg lettuce? I have some I just bought and I’m going to try an experiment. I’ll put some in foil and the other in a bag with a paper towel. I’ll let you guys know.

Forever_Free's avatar

@chyna I love a good lettuce experiment.

SnipSnip's avatar

Keep several paper towels in the bag and be sure bag is sealed well.

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