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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What makes a person a pain in the butt?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37841points) 1 day ago

Humor welcome.

Constant harping on clothing fabric content or recipe ingredients.

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22 Answers

janbb's avatar

Having no sense of humor.

canidmajor's avatar

Ask my mom, she’d give you a detailed description of me.

chyna's avatar

Saying “huh” after everything you say, but answering anyway.
So if you heard me, why say huh?

ragingloli's avatar

Excessive girth.

Brian1946's avatar

Heathcliff moonlighting as a proctologist! ;-0

elbanditoroso's avatar

It could be anything. There is no limit to the universe of pain-in-the-buttishness possibilities.

Even the nicest person in the world can be a pain in the butt sometimes.

smudges's avatar

It really depends on who’s making the judgement of pain-in-the-buttedness. Different strokes for different folks. I’ve had people annoy me to no end that don’t annoy others.

Pandora's avatar

An extremely needy person.
A real pessimistic person.
A perfectionist who is constantly critical of everything.
A self-proclaimed princess or prince (entitled brat).
Brainwashed morons.

Forever_Free's avatar

They don’t listen and keep asking the same question.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Messy people! I can’t understand knowing you’re messy and not picking up after yourself.
And this does include people who litter. Gross.

canidmajor's avatar

Well, @KNOWITALL, I guess I take your name of the invite list! ;-p

BTW, I never litter.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Anybody who talks down to me or makes me feel stupid. Like if I go “This game is hard for me” and I get “Oh, that game is SO easy!!!! I beat it so fast.” This type of person has something to prove and it is lame.

JLeslie's avatar

When they constantly try to pin you down into doing what they want, committing to a date and time.

When someone constantly jumps on you about every little thing you say always twisting it into a negative. Just relax geesh, I’m not trying to hurt anyone.

@chyna I love the huh. That’s so funny. We know a guy who always says “there, there, there…” again and again, over and over. When the TV talking heads started saying “there is no there there” my husband and I broke into laughter and at the same time said our friend’s name. When I’m around him I can’t keep a straight face.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@canidmajor After being raised by a clutter-loving mom, I married a guy with ADHD. I’m probably just tired of being the only cleaner ha!

Blackberry's avatar

Accidentally sending classified war plans to a journalist.

jca2's avatar

Someone who lectures others (You shouldn’t be eating that, you should be eating organic, etc.).

KRD's avatar

An Austrian man who got rejected from art school and became leader of Germany in the late 30’s.

smudges's avatar

@KNOWITALL “Be kind, you never know what another person is going through.”

JLeslie's avatar

@KNOWITALL I hate tidying up, but what helped cure me was watching Clutterbug. When I get lazy I watch a YouTube of hers while I clean up. She puts people into 4 categories of organizing. It became like a puzzle to me figuring out what works for me. One thing she says is if you live with someone who has a different organizing style they can’t easily use yours and so they will do nothing.

My style is I need to be able to put things away very easily, put it in a basket with no top in big categories, like all the make-up together and then put it in a cabinet. I like surfaces uncluttered and behind doors and in drawers. If I have to dig stuff out when I need it that’s fine, I just need putting away to be super easy and not micro organized.

Like a kid, if he makes his own system he might follow it. Here’s her link, but the YouTube’s are really good for finding your organizing style.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@JLeslie Check out #cleantok sometime

JLeslie's avatar

Is that on TikTok? I don’t have an account.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Being a proctocologist.

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