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MakeItSo1701's avatar

Which one runs out first for you: Shampoo or conditioner?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13865points) 1 day ago

Or do they run out at the same time?

My hair goes about halfway past my hips, like down to the middle of my butt. Since I only use shampoo for my scalp, the conditioner runs out days before the shampoo.

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17 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

Always conditioner! Its annoying.

elbanditoroso's avatar

One of the great benefits (!) of being almost bald is that bottles of shampoo last 8–10 months or more. It’s as if they never run out.

And conditioner? Let’s say that buying conditioner would be a total waste of money. There ain’t nuthin’ to condition.

Pandora's avatar

Shampoo. I rarely use conditioner.

chyna's avatar

Conditioner. Same as you, I only use shampoo on my scalp and condition the length, so I use lots more conditioner.

ragingloli's avatar

I just use soap.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I use two in one. Shampoo and conditioner.

Zaku's avatar

I rarely use conditioner at all, so shampoo.

canidmajor's avatar

Lordy, I have no idea. I buy the stuff in really big bottles, then refill the littler bottles, all of different sizes.

And now I’ll think about it and curse your black heart for bringing it up. ;-p

Forever_Free's avatar

Shampoo. I never buy or use conditioner.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I don’t understand not using conditioner except if you’re bald or almost bald.
Doesnt your hair get coarse?

smudges's avatar


@chyna I’ve never heard of shampooing only the scalp. My hairdresser shampoos all of my hair down to the ends, as do I. I pile it on my head and massage it all.

JLeslie's avatar

I think shampoo, but I’m not sure. I definitely don’t finish them both at the same time.

Lightlyseared's avatar

If you have log hair it will usually be conditioner as you only shampoo the scalp but you condition all the hair.

@lightlyseared has no hair and hasn’t since the last millennium so this statement is based on the observation of the hair washing techniques of others

chyna's avatar

@smudges My hairdresser said that enough soap goes through the rest of the hair when you just scrub the head that I don’t need to wash the rest. This is to prevent breakage. Or so she says.

smudges's avatar

^^ Thanks! Good to know!

YARNLADY's avatar

I do not use conditioner.

jca2's avatar

I use about twice as much conditioner as I use shampoo. Shampoo, I just use a blob of, maybe a teaspoon if I had to guess. Conditioner, I use probably a tablespoon or two, approximately.

If I don’t use conditioner, my hair feels like straw.

I get all different brands and I use different ones every day.

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