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jca2's avatar

Could you say the alphabet backwards?

Asked by jca2 (17248points) 10 hours ago

My daughter came to me and asked if I could say the alphabet backwards. She was talking about how when police pull people over, for suspected drinking and driving, they ask them to say the alphabet backwards.

I told her I’ve never been pulled over for drinking and driving but I can assure you that I can’t say the alphabet backwards if you asked me to now. Not now, not ever.

Could you recite the alphabet backwards?

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27 Answers

Strauss's avatar

Only because I practiced it way back when.

hat's avatar

I get stumped after ACAB.

JLeslie's avatar


I mean, I could, but it would take me a long time and lots of long pauses.

SnipSnip's avatar

Yes, but I could not sing it backward.

Forever_Free's avatar

The idea that reciting the alphabet backward is a common field sobriety test is a myth.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Yes, but only because I practiced

zenvelo's avatar

I can say the Greek alphabet backwards while holding a burning match. Who says you don’t learn anything in college?

Most sober policemen could not say the alphabet backwards; this is not accurate.

janbb's avatar

Nope but I can count backwards from 100 by 7s because I practice it for the mini-mental. (Or at least I could last time I tried!)

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Interesting just tried and no I couldn’t.

canidmajor's avatar

“The alphabet backwards”…yup. (Yeah, I know the details say “recite”, but I couldn’t resist.

Yes, with a fair amount of thought, I probably could.

JLeslie's avatar

@janbb if you practice does it count?

janbb's avatar

@JLeslie Yup. They don’t ask if you practiced it.

JLeslie's avatar

That’s not the point, but ok.

Zaku's avatar

Only by pausing to think about the forward sequence before most of the letters. Though if I did that several times, I’d probably start remembering it backwards. I think I may only have ever attempted to even start doing that a few times at most, in my lifetime.

I did get pulled over by police with nothing better do do once and tested for drunkenness. Also once as a pedestrian. In neither case had I been drinking alcohol, and in neither case did they ask me to say the alphabet backwards. IIRC, each time they did a subset of: asked me to walk a straight line, maybe touch my nose, and blow into a thing.

If they did ask me to say the alphabet backwards, I’d probably say something like, “I’ve never tried, and expect I’ll probably make a mistake.”

Brian1946's avatar

If I practiced enunciating “tebahpla eht”, I eventually could. ;-)

RocketGuy's avatar

I heard it was a trick question. A sober person would try then give up, stating that they couldn’t do it. A drunk person would keep trying because their judgement was impaired enough that they wouldn’t know to stop.

longgone's avatar

Yes, without thinking, but only because I practiced with this annoying song a long time ago.

jca2's avatar

@ForeverFree ok, regardless, could you recite it backwards or not?

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Nope, not at all.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

No. Also I have to sing it to go forward.

KRD's avatar


Jeruba's avatar

Yes. Not hard. Not only have I spent a lot of my life immersed in words and letters but I also visualize them as I think of them. So, to try this, I just mentally “looked” at the alphabet starting at the end and then read from right to left.

I slowed down a little at a few spots, but not for long, just a second or two..

Oddly, though—very oddly: I have synesthesia, causing me to see words and letters in color. But when I did this, twice—no color. No idea what that means.

JLeslie's avatar

@Jeruba I think I have aphantasia, so I can’t picture something like that. It’s weird, I know so well how some things look that I can describe them in detail, but I don’t think I see it like most people do.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

My question to the cop would be “let me hear you do it first”

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@KRD What about (D) ??? you forgot D you must be drunk or high or both.

flutherother's avatar

No, at least not without a fair bit of effort.

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