General Question

wilhel1812's avatar

Guestbook thingy.

Asked by wilhel1812 (2882points) September 28th, 2008

Hey, my client wants a guestbook on his website, but the hosting plan for the website only support static pages so i’ll need a good, simple, hosted, freee guestbook that i can embed. Something really simple like the facebook wall that i can customize to blend into my design. Anyone out in there in the Fluther have a good link?

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13 Answers

FiRE_MaN's avatar

nah, but I would go to google and servh for it.

Or you can go to this websites forum and it has a shoutbox and if you want something like that I know the admin, Zlools, who could give you come code.

Go to
Click forum at the top and take a look at the shoutbox. It should be near the top of the forum.

wilhel1812's avatar

all the stuff in google is leftovers from the myspace era. Your link 404s.

FiRE_MaN's avatar

if that does not work just type it in or go on google and search for it. it will be the first one if you google it.

tWrex's avatar

When you say static pages do you mean html only (ie. no php, asp) or do you mean no database?

wilhel1812's avatar

yeah, exactly. so putting stuff in an iframe would be a good solution.

wilhel1812's avatar

and paranoidk don’t give me great results :S

tWrex's avatar

So you can’t have php, asp or a database…. ugh… I’ll try to find something. I’m sure there’s something out there.

wilhel1812's avatar

thank you! i was thinking that of all the things out there, someone must have made a great embeddable guestbook that isn’t crap!

tWrex's avatar

K. Dunno if you saw this but it’s been around for forever. Then there’s this entire page I’m sure that one of them is able to do what you want. On initial glance, this one looks like it’s what you want.

FiRE_MaN's avatar

@wilhel haha it didn’t give you a good result because you spelled it with two “d“s

wilhel1812's avatar

haha, i knew somethng must’ve went wrong :p
well, anways it cant find the server…

FiRE_MaN's avatar

let me know if twrex doesnt find anything and ill talk to my buddy about it. any particular deadline this has to be done by?

wilhel1812's avatar

well, i’m trying to be done by monday, but if i don’t find a good solution i allways have a solution that is ok. It’s not really a big problem, but i thought that maybe there was something better out there than all those leftovers from the myspace era.

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