Have you missed your calling?
Asked by
AstroChuck (
September 28th, 2008
from iPhone
Sure, you like your job (maybe), but shouldn’t you have picked a different career? Me? I should be teaching Roman history at some universary somewhere, reconstructing the Proto-Indo-European language, or cooking.
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38 Answers
I always thought i would be a nurse or firefighter. But recently i believe i have found it. I started developing my skills as a photographer. I love it, something that i find joy in and if i work at hard enough will make me good money.
So i wouldnt say missed yet, i was just on the wrong path for awhile.
Me want to be a fighter pilot .. but cant since I am wearing Predator Visor Opsss aka glasses so there goes my dream to fly a fighter jet..
@AC; you are still young. Why not go for it, or them. You can reconstruct P-I-E language or become a world-class chef w/o benefit of university. (And your feet wouldn’t hurt.)
I had several serious (somewhat related) careers and loved them all.
I found my calling, my perfect job, and then it disappeared due to politics and infighting.
I love my field, but I sometimes worry that I should have taken a former mentor’s advice more seriously. And I am thinking about going in a new direction in terms of research, which is kind of scary. Killing flies bothers me, and if I stay in this area of research I’ll have to kill mice at some point, but if I start working with human subjects I don’t think they’ll make me kill things anymore.
Sure, I should’ve been a dancer – but laziness, my teens and wanting to travel kinda got in the way – probably for the best really.
I always wanted to be the guy who auditions the new girls at a brothel.
The brothel owners said I couldn’t measure-up to the job requirements, for some reason…
I gave serious thought to several different science careers, but my love for words got in the way. I am on the path I want to be, and I expect to get there.
I think I’d of made a good comedic actress, or a great writer. Maybe someday, for the latter.
I think my calling missed me!
I wanted to be a writer and then perform my work, reading it, demonstrating it, and making musical interludes.
There’s just a few problems: I can’t write, but even if I could write, I could never sustain the writing, and even if I did sustain it, no one would publish it, and even if all those things were fixed, I have nothing to say.
Ironic, isn’t it? Lot’s to say when answering other people’s questions. But on my own, I got nothin’!
I think you write very well, and I make my living, as a professional writer.
yes, daloon. Just lock yourself away somewhere. Don’t sell yourself short.
I should be working with animals; I guess, in a way, I do. But I’d like to be able to do all the time.
If I had mustered the forces and defeated Resistance I would have begun teaching kids photography , opened the darn art gallery, and grabbed a hold of my finances.
While at it had the appropriated people look at my CDC idea for the Bronx.
I should be a full-time artist/writer…instead I devote my time to my 3yr old son, my animals and my garden.
I don’t look at it as missing my calling. At least not yet. Right now I try to utilize my skills in my homeschooling efforts with my little guy.
(before I had him, I was a full-time property manager. I definately felt as if I might miss my calling, then).
In my youth I was pegged to be a medical doctor. At UCLA I received my degree in biology specializing on microbioloby/immunology (@niki: I killed more mice than I care to remember) but toyed with becoming a university professor of philosophy (specifically existentialism) then graduated gung-ho to take on a large corporation and become a company president at minimum or ideally a corporate CEO and/or COB. I was headed in that direction at one of the worlds largest corporations when my disease manifested itself and disability forced my retirement. I have subsequently grown to love the arts, and my lifelong passion, has always been music. But, I had had some exposure to that industry back in the 1970s and it was rampant with phonies which was a total turn-off for me. My current calling is trying to get older with some quality of life, but I’m fighting an uphill impossible battle and will fail before long.
I always wanted to be a writer or do video production.
So far, I’ve been able to do both and am still enjoying my growth.
Definitely on the right path.
I missed mine, in that I’ve always had a passion for artistic endeavors and writing but fell into an accounting/admin. career. Fourteen years ago, I gave up my career to raise three wonderful daughters. In a way, my passion has come full circle, as I have instilled my love of reading, writing and art in my children. Now that they need me less, I am going to give my passion a shot as a new career. Wish me luck!
@augustian…Good luck to you. You’ve impressed me very much with your posts here on fluther and I believe you will find success in any and all endeavors.
Thanks, WTF. That really means a lot to me.
I now believe i should have been in a field where I was teaching others or helping them in a therapeutic manner.
I know, I have problems myself, but I am very good at empathizing, relating and reading people.
@BriL: My friends and family tell me I should be a therapist. Heck, my therapist told me I’d make a great therapist. Apparently, one does not need to be in perfect mental health to help others with their own problems. Indeed, the users of this site can probably attest to that!
For the record, I could not be a therapist. I’d be too afraid I’d say or do the wrong thing, impacting a person’s life in a negative way. Too much pressure!
@ augustlan – That is funny My friends and family told me you should be a therapist to.
Actually, my family friends and therapist said the same to me. I would love to do that to. But I am not in a position where I could go back to school. But, never say never I guess.
@Bri: Retire young, and have a second career! Better start saving…
More like better late than never…
@Augustian, if you have ‘artistic endeavors’ to pursue, and everyone says you would make a great therapist then consider Arts Therapy
@BronxLens – That is a cool link Thanks for that!!!
After watching Apollo 13 with a 4-year old he announced that he wanted to be the guy who put out his hand for the astronaut to spit out his gum before his helmet is put on. I loved that.
Kru: One of the kids I used to babysit for wanted to be a Christmas tree when he grew up.
Then he grew out of that phase and then he wanted to be a garbage man.
Talk about aspirations.
Last year my then 2 year old son was determined he’d be a scarecrow when he grew up.
One day while enjoying our lunchtime discussion, he anounced quite proudly, “When I get bigger I’m going to have a stick in my bum (he picked his bottom up from the chair to rub it and make his point) just like a scarecrow on a pole and stand in a field all day!
Luckily, while he still has great admiration of stick fellows, he’s gone to a new phase.
Does anyone know how to get to OZ? He says he’d like to be their wicked witch!
The position I currently hold is not what I would refer to as my “calling” whatsoever. It’s fun sometimes, though. And it pays well.
I love reading, writing, boating, and fishing. I like restoring old vehicles, bicycling, and recently found out that I have a penchant for auto racing. I don’t ski, but I love visiting the family cabin when it’s snowing (Maybe I just like hot chocolate).
Good question…Maybe it’s time to actively pursue that book deal. Anyone recommend a publisher?
@knotmyday – Consider Lulu
I’m currently at the point in life in which I can follow my calling, if I could say that. I believe I have been ‘called’ to go work in the nuclear industry, something that’s been inside of me since i was about 10 (I’m 17 now) has been pushing me that way. I’ve no idea what I exactly what to do, I just know that the nuclear industry has fascinated me and the love of that has been a core part of me for a long time. I’m currently beginning to follow that calling as I’ve just applied for university, my main choice is Nuclear Engineering MEng at Lancaster in which I hope it will be the right decision. As for what happens after the degree, who knows, I’ll see what my calling wants me to do when I get there. I’ve always toyed with the idea of researching and lecturing, who knows, I’ve got a long time ahead of me (I hope!).
My life has only been on this earth a short while, I’ve yet to hit adulthood, I hope that it’ll continue for a long time so I can follow whatever my calling is, nuclear industry or not ;)
probably i miss my calling, because i love to work as my country’s ambassador to other countries.. but i also like my profession, which takes care of peoples well being here in our country..
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