General Question

simone54's avatar

Why are there so many bail bond places near San Diego?

Asked by simone54 (7642points) September 29th, 2008
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6 Answers

Nimis's avatar

Probably depends on the neighborhood you’re in?
Rougher neighborhoods tend to have more bail bond places.

Head over to La Jolla or Rancho Santa Fe.
There will be a lot less.

simone54's avatar

I’m saying they’re all around the San Diego area. Back in the Philly area, there wasn’t any.

Nimis's avatar

What does they’re all San Diego area mean?

Do you mean that La Jolla and Rancho Santa Fe are all part of San Diego
and that overall San Diego has more bail bond places than Philly?

Nimis's avatar

Ah, gotcha…they’re all around the San Diego area makes a lot more sense.
(Thank you edit button.)

I’ve never been to Philly, but it looks like there are several?
You may just be wandering the wrong neighborhoods in San Diego too.

gailcalled's avatar

And you were luckily living in the right neighborhoods in Philly. There are 6 listed in Center City on Nimis’s link.

simone54's avatar

Maybe it’s just because all the advertising they do for them here….

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