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dalepetrie's avatar

Censorship or keeping the peace?

Asked by dalepetrie (18029points) September 30th, 2008

I posted a question asking for opinions about what I see to be positively beyond the pale in regards to how Republicans in the House and McCain are trying to pass the blame for the failure of the bailout plan, and for the economic crisis itself on Democrats and Obama specifically. I gave a line by line set of facts and specific examples to back up my assertions. Now to me my question was about the one sidedness of blaming one’s opponent when placing such blame defies all known logic. I wanted opinions, and I expected dissenters AND apologists as well as those who would have nothing more valuable than “you’re damn right”. But I was hoping to get opinions and perspective to help me understand if this really is politics as usual or if one side was actually going too far. I thought it was a fair question and I still do, even if it does offend some people who want to join in on the finger pointing…in my view perhaps they SHOULD be offended, maybe it will make them a bit less one-sided themselves to hear a completely different opinion than their own.

My question was pulled almost immediately, I got this email from Fluther (after one post from a well known Republican on here telling me I wasn’t looking for answers…he had the nerve to tell ME what I was looking for and then to tell Fluther and they apparently took his side):

Your question is too one-sided. It does not welcome answers/discussion from both parties and will probably do nothing besides start another “political war”.

I did however say “both sides do this, but doesn’t this seem to go too far.” I asked for opinions from everyone. And I did as they asked and edited it and gave some further clarification of what I was looking for. But nope, still not back. I can understand if I’d attacked Republicans, made sweeping blanket statements, called them stupid, or what not, but I was pointing out specific instances where I feel they’ve crossed the line between politics and dishonesty, and shouldn’t I be able to ask a question about that? If the facts are one-sided, shouldn’t my question about the facts also by its very nature be one sided? Are we entering into a new era of censorship of ideas and thought here on Fluther?

Bottom line is I know that I’m biased and how I’m biased, but I try very hard to be fair, and when I see something that goes so completely over the line of fairness, I think it should be fair for me to counter with a question pointing out the issue from my point of view, to see if the collective thinks my points are fair, if they have anything to add to it, and to see if even the ‘other side’ agrees with me, or if partisanship is really so bad that something so aggregious can actually fly with the unwashed masses. So, one-sided though my question may have admittedly been, I think it was fair to ask it in the manner I asked it, and I object to it being taken down. Am I wrong?

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