Meta Question

Bri_L's avatar

If someone is in your fluther, are they automatically sent your question?

Asked by Bri_L (12224points) October 1st, 2008
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45 Answers

scamp's avatar

I think so. You’re in mine, and this was sent to me.

Bri_L's avatar

@ scamp – but you have friends as a topic.

basp's avatar

how do you get into each other’s fluthers?
Or are you talking about these responses?

I’m confused about how everything works here.

hammer43's avatar

yes it is this was sent to me

Bri_L's avatar

if you click on my link below my icon you will be taken to my profile. next to my icon you will have the option to add me to your “Fluther”. That is a way to keep track of the people you like answers from etc.

Bri_L's avatar

I should rephrase the question. Will your being in my fluther mean you get the question even if there are no topics listed in your profile.

SpatzieLover's avatar

You’re in my fluther, and I didn’t get this Q Bri_L…I found it on the home page.

Bri_L's avatar

That would answer the question then. None of the topics were listed in your profile.

autumn43's avatar

You are in my fluther and I didn’t get this question either – like Spatzie, I found it when I signed in.

autumn43's avatar

(Spatzie was quicker than me. I was double checking to make sure you were in my fluther! And you are!)

Bri_L's avatar

@ autumn43 – you don’t appear to have any topics or specifications. do you just go through the general list?

scamp's avatar

I just got this question, and sferik is in my fluther, but none of the tags are in my profile, so who knows? This is an intriguing question Bri!

SpatzieLover's avatar

scamp I got that one, too & was wondering the same thing!

Bri_L's avatar

well now I am stumped!

Bri_L's avatar

any moderators want to way in?

SpatzieLover's avatar

If we’re all stumped, you’ve asked a seriously good question Bri_L!!! Lurve.

Bri_L's avatar

heheh thanks. It occurred to me because there are some people who’s opinion I consistently want. Ironically a lot of them are showing up here. And I was wondering if that is a way to make sure they are included.

autumn43's avatar

Guess I better find some topics….and yeah I usually sign in/on and find something interesting to look at and answer or just flag to read. (is that wrong?)

Bri_L's avatar

Not at all, i just found I was unable to limit myself. I was to interested in learning.

Plus if you put down what your good at say “making people swoon with your icon” you would get questions specific to your expertise.

autumn43's avatar

Honestly, I never took the time to do it. Now I will. This was a great question!

Bri_L's avatar

Why thank you.

And I didn’t mean to shame you or anything. In fact it was a good part of our experiment.

marissa's avatar

Bri, you are in my fluther and I wasn’t sent this Q, I also found it on the home page :0)

Bri_L's avatar


marissa's avatar

Bri, what’s wrong?

Bri_L's avatar

Oh, hehe just joking around. Not related to you.

It is just that so far we have people who are in my fluther with a topic match who got it. People who I am in their fluther and they are in my fluther with no topic match who didn’t get it.

I am trying to figure this out. I think if you don’t have the topic. your out. The wether or not you are in someone’s fluther or they are in yours doesn’t matter.

marissa's avatar

Want me to throw you another curve ball….hehehe…I don’t have any topics listed on my profile :0P I think it has to do with the questions you have answered thus far. I think if you have answered questions in the past that contained certain topics you are then ‘notified’ when questions are asked in those same topics, but that is just a guess…..In addition, you may have had to receive lurve for your answers in those topics. That would show that you not only answered questions in the topic, but someone also found your contribution valuable….

Bri_L's avatar


Now I am just going to crawl under my desk and weep.

Lurve to you.

marissa's avatar

Hey, you gave me lurve!!!!! Now maybe next time a question is asked with the topics “Fluther”, “friend” and/or “moderator” I’ll be ‘sent’ the question! I guess I’ll have to wait and see :0)
btw, here’s a tissue and I’ll let you hug my teddy bear, if that will help

Bri_L's avatar

you, my friend, rule!

andrew's avatar

We actually do things to build your profiles behind the scenes as you use the site—it’s all part of our secret recipe.

Right now (October 1, 2008), the people in your fluther do not affect your matching, but that will likely change post-haste.

Bri_L's avatar

Ah, I didn’t know that. Secret recipe eh? cool. And I see you like racquet ball. I love that sport!

Thanks for the tip!

autumn43's avatar

Gee, it’s like KFC! So, is Andrew like the Colonel Sanders of fluther? :0)

jlm11f's avatar

Whenever someone in Your Fluther asks a Q, it automatically goes to the “Your Fluther” tab on the home page. It doesn’t go to “Just for You” though. Usually when I log on, I first check “your fluther” and then “just for you.”

SpatzieLover's avatar

no, PnL…it doesn’t ^^^look up.

fireside's avatar

The reason scamp and SpatzieLover the question about Tea is because Health is a related topic for tea, as seen below:
Related topics: coffee, caffeine, health, tea leaves, breakfast, cafe, Beverages, food, diet, water, cleaning

Since Health is in their profiles, they received the question.

Problem solved?

SpatzieLover's avatar

I understand, but Bri asked if because we’re in his Fluther we rec’d the Q…We didn’t.

fireside's avatar

So, it looks like being in a Fluther doesn’t actually bring you questions, just the keywords in your profile.

But I see what PnL was talking about now.

I spend most of my time just clicking Activity for You

jlm11f's avatar

@SpatzieLover – this is the tab I am talking about.

autumn43's avatar

Thanks PnL! I learned a couple of new things here today: there is a secret recipe for fluther and a ‘browse’ button. I’ve just been winging it all these weeks. don’t tell Bri_L that I haven’t added topics yet though, okay?

Bri_L's avatar

May the wrath of all that is holly fall upon you and stain your white bunny fur with something not so pleasant to look at!!!!



autumn43's avatar

Wow. Have you been dipping into the secret recipe there, Bri?

Bri_L's avatar

hehehe. I see bunnies!

Just joshing. I have just been dying to type


scamp's avatar

@fireside, Andrew answered the question above. You can also getBen and sferik’s answer to this question by going to youtube and watching the fluther interview. I’d include a link, but I can’t get youtube at work.

fireside's avatar

@scamp – yeah, i was late to this party and then didn’t even answer the question asked.
glad to help…

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