General Question

flameboi's avatar


Asked by flameboi (7554points) October 6th, 2008

Do you remember what you were doing back then? I’d been thinking about my past a lot lately and now that my lurve reached that #, I thought I’d ask, do you remember your favorite book, song, who was your gf/bf back then? How was school? anything relevant?

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7 Answers

JackAdams's avatar

I remember that year, so clearly, because on March 6th, I was diagnosed as a diabetic.

It was also the very first year that I suddenly had trouble walking, and an X-ray revealed arthritis.

Both things occurred before my 50th birthday, which also happened that year.

gailcalled's avatar

My beloved brother died of cancer, between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (where we are now.)

JackAdams's avatar

My deepest condolences to you, on your loss.

marinelife's avatar

I was living on an island with my husband and my whippet with gorgeous views of Admiralty Inlet and the Olympics.

SuperMouse's avatar

I had the most beautiful one year-old on the planet and I was pregnant with the most beautiful newborn-to-be on the planet. We were all wondering if the world was going to end at midnight on December 31.

fireside's avatar

I was finally finishing up college, living in one of my favorite places and hiking almost every day.

The last year before tossed out into the job market to make my way in the world…

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