General Question

What motivates a woman to pose nude/naked online, if it is her own choice?
There are thousands of websites featuring “amateur” nude/naked women (no, I will not share the URLs with you!), and I’m amazed at how many women appear to be willing to share with the entire world, their unclothed bodies, assuming they KNOW that their photos are online, for everyone to “enjoy.”
If their pictures are being posted by a current S/O (who wishes to “brag” about his good fortune) or by an EX S/O (as some sort of sick “get even” scheme), and are online w/o the woman’s knowledge/consent, then the guys who posted them should be lined up against a garage wall in Chicago, and mowed down with machinegun fire.
If the lady is posing and is co-operating with this (presumably w/o payment), my question is, WHY?
I would imagine that only a woman could definitively answer this Q, but I’m sure many guys have an opinion on this, too, so share away.

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