General Question

charliecompany34's avatar

What the... where did he go?

Asked by charliecompany34 (7816points) October 8th, 2008

dateline: tuesday night, obama/mccain debate: when the town hall debate was over, obama stuck around, cameras rolling, as he shook hands and worked the crowd. where was john? he left early because “matlock” was on. fluther buffet of answers can be real or artificial…

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39 Answers

La_chica_gomela's avatar

I’m 40 minutes through the 1:30 minute debate right now! If I make it to the end, I’ll give you my take!

Snoopy's avatar

Prostate trouble?

Picking out the monogramming for the towels in the White House?

You decide.

autumn43's avatar

I think he needed a change of drawers.

robmandu's avatar

He had to get back to his tweeting.

flameboi's avatar

He forgot what he was doing there so he left…

flameboi's avatar

Abe Simpson loves Matlock, maybe they are pals

robmandu's avatar

Went to find Sarah Palin and ask her to pull his finger.

SoapChef's avatar

The stewed prunes kicked in.

Adina1968's avatar

He is a sore loser so he left.

cyndyh's avatar

He went to consult with his joke writer. They’re all falling flat.

He went to get his tailor to give him a little more room in the shoulders.

He went to pat more veterans on the back.

He went to pat Palin on the head.

Lieberman called, and John had to go reach somewhat into the aisle instead of actually across it.

He had to go not prioritize next year’s proposed budget.

SoapChef's avatar

It was past his bedtime.

forestGeek's avatar

He had other, better places to suck!

AstroChuck's avatar

Hey, when ya gotta go, ya gotta go.

SoapChef's avatar

Bedtime For Bonzo was playing on TCM.

robmandu's avatar

Viva Viagra!

SoapChef's avatar

His girdle was killing him.

SoapChef's avatar

He was scheduled to appear on Letterman.

SoapChef's avatar

He’d heard Sarah was about to do another interview with Katie Couric.

thetmle's avatar

He needed to take his PM dose of Aricept.

Snoopy's avatar

@thetmle Who reminded him?

thetmle's avatar

A brain fart?

SuperMouse's avatar

After reading this article I’m pretty sure he was off to crash a jet or desert and injured wife to find a little hottie with lots of money who could help him fulfill his political ambitions.

Judi's avatar

Oh my goodness is that article true? I am so sick after reading 1/2 of it I don’t know if I can finish without barfing. I never liked McCain much, but I did respect his service. Not if this is true.

SuperMouse's avatar

@Judi, it was originally printed in Rolling Stone magazine, a pretty reputable source. It is horrifying isn’t it?

tinyfaery's avatar

Awesome!! Thanks for the laugh.

shrubbery's avatar

I love Fluther. You guys are hilarious

Judi's avatar

Is it for an upcomming edition of Rolling Stone? I noticed that it’s dated October 16.

maybe_KB's avatar

Home Town Buffet

thegodfather's avatar

This question is superfluous to the real matters of concern during an election season. If one bases his or her vote on superficial things like this, then our voters should be at fault for the bad turns in our government. Please, provide some political discourse with substance, not playground games of “he-said, she-said.”

Judi's avatar

Sometimes things get so serious we just need to add a little light humor.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

godfather, who the heck are you to say, “Please, provide some political discourse with substance,” ??

Charliescompany asked the question, not you. If you don’t like this queston, you don’t have to read it. And if you want political discourse, there’s plenty of it around (fluther, the internet, the world), you don’t have to hang out on this one question.

I find it very rude of you to presume to tell me and others what to do.

autumn43's avatar

@Judi – so right! Humor is essential! I mean – was I NOT supposed to laugh when George W. said “I know how hard it is to put food on your family” so many years ago?

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

cyndyh's avatar

@thegodfather: No one’s stated they’re basing their vote on any of this. And that’s not what “he-said, she-said” means.

thegodfather's avatar


Your statement is circular and self-indicting. If you don’t like my response, you don’t have to read it. Um, I think it’s apparent you aren’t living by your own reason for feeling offended by me. You might as well be offended at yourself.


I was referring to the useless banter during election seasons that have reduced our political discourse to fingers being pointed at each other and gossip going round about the candidates and the people that support them. The fact that I have to defend my call for more substantial political discourse and less soundbite/gossip-like/shallow/humorous discourse is evidence enough to me that my feeling that Americans have lost touch with how to talk with one another is a correct one.

Also, I said “if” when I mentioned voters basing their votes on these superficial kinds of discourse, I didn’t say that such was the case here. (So much for reading comprehension these days.) That qualifier changes the meaning of the sentence entirely. And, I do believe my assertion is correct if voters (not necessarily the readers here, but in general) base their decisions on a collection of experiences that largely resemble folks pointing out the useless aspects of political campaigning. To say that this thread and all the posts here are only humorous with no other motive is probably to reduce the effects of online discussions that what they really do to form readers’ opinions and views. In this sense, then, it’s definitely worth my time to try to point out the importance of improving our discourse. 9 times out of 10 on Fluther, I don’t find readers coming here for a laugh, but I could be wrong.

I came across this question, noticed that it was based in very useless observations, didn’t find it humorous though it is for many readers nonetheless, and simply asked of these readers, here and/or elsewhere, to turn the quality of the discourse up a notch. And part of my request is rooted in a sincere desire that none of my fellow Americans be persuaded or dissuaded in their vote by these kinds of rhetoric. That would be tragic for our democracy, in my mind, and in my personal experience appears to often be the case.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

godfather, that doesn’t make any sense!!

cyndyh's avatar

@thegodfather: You seem to be the only one who’s lost touch with how to talk with people. Read the question again. If you don’t like the discussion in this question or you don’t like the tone it takes you’re free to start your own. Usually, I find, on Fluther and elsewhere, you get something on the order of what you give. If you want people to “Please, provide some political discourse with substance, not playground games of “he-said, she-said”” then your best bet is to engage people in that way perhaps in a question of your own.

forestGeek's avatar

some people are just to serious! Oh well to each their own!!

autumn43's avatar

If you can’t take a joke….the heck with ya! :D (that’s what I always say!)

AlfredaPrufrock's avatar

He was really grunting while Obama was speaking…I have to second the prunes theory.

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