Everyone knows that certain people change the answers on the tests after they turned in. How do you prove it? You can’t. I’m a teacher and my students come back and tell us that, X who was giving them the test, told them to change answers, hinted that one was wrong, re-explained the question, did all of the things that are illegal. I am 100% sure that certain members of administration in schools where I have worked, have changed answers for some students in order to raise scores. How do I know? When teachers give the DRA those kids are 3,4,5 years below grade level. Suddenly, on the standardized tests, they score Proficient. NOT POSSIBLE. Yet it has happened every year. Some people have changed the test results to exit children from ESL earlier, and then the kids fail the following year because they get no academic support, and then they are forced to stay back….
Now, you might say, what do you care? If you got merit pay because your kids scored higher, your laughing your way to the bank…but that is crap – the kids that I care about don’t get taught the things that they need, because they passed the test. They fall further behind, are grouped incorrectly because their levels are not right, and their daily performance can never live up to their test scores.
There should not be merit pay for teachers under any circumstances, EVER.
It’s a different question, but if you don’t mind, I’d like to answer it anyway.
At the end of the year, they sit around the teachers room and decide where to put students for the Fall. The teachers that certain people have a grudge against, for whatever reason, get the most difficult to handle, lowest, high needs students. They doom the entire class to a bad year, because there’s no balance, the teacher is exhausted, and the kids can’t get the help they need because there are just too many high needs students and not enough staff to help that teacher. Some administrators purposely sabotage teachers who are not their best friends.
The administrators will give the highest scoring, best behaved students to their cronies, thus ensuring their buddies get the merit raises.