General Question

jsc3791's avatar

Any good conference ideas?

Asked by jsc3791 (1991points) October 9th, 2008

I need to turn in a list of conference that I would like to attend in 2009. I have to give it to my boss by the end of the day. I work in marketing.

Does anyone know of anything interesting in 2009 that I should sign up for?

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9 Answers

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Umm…marketing is a huge field. What industry are you in? I attend conferences and trade shows across the US of A and believe me there are tons of marketing people at every show and conference.

Are you looking for marketing seminars/conferences? If so, try this:

jsc3791's avatar

I am in the healthcare industry. My work right now is focused on new media marketing and sustainable product design.

Judi's avatar

In the apartment industry this is the best!

Judi's avatar

If my local hospital is any indication, the health care industry could use some better marketing focus. They spent a lot of money having a booth at the fair but didn’t have any focus about what they wanted to promote. It didn’t make sense to me. I was in a commercial for them and their weight loss program and everyone I talk to thinks I lost my weight with gastric bypass because they were trying to get to many messages out in a quick commercial. I’m glad that you work for a company that is trying to get it’s message out effectively.

marinelife's avatar

How about a conference on Web Marketing? There are a bunch. Google web marketing conferences 2009.

jsc3791's avatar

@BronxLens… WOW! TED looks awesome!

It seems a bit difficult to get into. Have you been? Do you know how hard it is to get in?

BronxLens's avatar

Suuure, it may be hard, but I bet you after poking around the Ted website & downloading the presentations to their desktops or iPods and immersing themselves in this ‘possibilities’ camp, someone’s gonna make an extra effort to go to the one on 2010, or 2011, or whenever. If I had spending money, this would be one of my top 3 places to go to (the other two are ** and ***

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