My house is haunted?
Asked by
gimmedat (
October 11th, 2008
from iPhone
For the last week we have been experiencing some really spooky stuff:
1. I woke up Tuesday morning and the front door was wide open.
2. My refridgerator door opens and closes all the time, when there’s nobody in the kitchen.
3. My sons’ bedroom doors open and close randomly. Windows shut, boys tucked in, not faking sleep.
4. There are always orbs in the pics taken at our house.
I am not an overly superstitious person. I consider myself pretty practical and grounded, but this shit is starting to freak me out. I don’t believe that any harm is intended, but um… I’m not really with sharing my crib with anyone I haven’t birthed or who I don’t get some cash from.
Any suggestions, creepy experiences, etc.?
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50 Answers
This reminds me of those few scientists who believed Uri Geller had some sort of psychic power. When people don’t understand something they try to find some irrational reasons. That is true even for some scientists.
I suggest you try to be rational and look objectively. You will then see some of those sounds disappear or/and see those sounds are natural. Not knowing what exactly you are talking about I can’t give you a more informed opinion.
I try to remember that the one thing a parachute and human mind have in common, is that both function best, when they are OPEN.
You might find this story to be “interesting”…
I don’t thing there is much you can do but live with it?!!
got any pics w/ orbs you feel like posting?
Yes I think your house is haunted. That #4 convinced me. I’ve lived in a haunted house before. It may look ridiculous but just try to talk to them. Tell them to please leave you alone. Speak to the air.
I agree with PIXEL. Talk to them and tell them they need to leave you alone. I hear that helps. I’ve lived in places where we had odd things happen, but it didn’t bother me much, so we pretty much either ignored it or got used to it. As robmandu says, I’d like to see your orb pics if you care to share them.
Agreed, @Pixel & @scamp.
@gimmedat, without trying to sound mystical and hocus-pocus-y about it, you’re the head of household and as such have dominion over your home. Take charge.
That said, if it were me, I’d be looking to move because:
- some folks will think you’re crazy about this, – and/or –
– you actually might be crazy about this, – and/or –
– there’s actually something going on outside your ability to address directly.
Any of those, but especially the last two, are sufficient justification to relocate your family.
I have a buddy who says, “There are no such things as ‘ghosts,’ HOLY or otherwise.”
You are selectively attending to specific things that occur for sound reasons and batching them all together in order to make a case, albeit unconsciously, that you have a ghost.
Photographers will tell you that “orbs” are an artifact of photography under certain circumstances. There is a stage that I take pictures of that have “orbs” when and only when I photograph the stage close up. I even call them orbs to make people laugh. And they do. Photo experts tell me it has to do with my flash and lens combo. I believe them.
The other thing I find SO COMMON among people who see ghosts is that it’s frequently the “ghost” of a departed loved one. The person can’t deal with the loved one’s death and makes the case that the love one really hasn’t “gone”. These same people get really angry if you dare “attack” the possibility. The phony mediums cash in on this need.
Just ask yourself, “Why is it, that when people see ghosts, the ghosts are always CLOTHED?”
Clothes don’t have souls. How can they haunt? And if you believe clothes CAN haunt, then why don’t we hear stories of clothing haunting by themselves?
Here are a couple of photos I took not too long ago.
I’m not claiming to know what the “Orb” is, but it certainly doesn’t fit into most of the categories of fake orb photos I looked after after taking the picture. No flash used.
No orb
Seconds later
Zoom on orb
@fireside, the 1st link is the same as the 3rd.
Has the entity had any violent actions?
1. Get a Christian priest to cleanse the house.
2. Google for ghost hunters near your area. ( yes, there are actually real ghost busters! :-)
It’s Elvis! I just know it is!
I have to ask….what’s with the rock shrine?
I do believe in ghosts and this may be this or may not be. I think if there is one, it seems to like playing with you. There is on in my boyfriend’s granddad’s back area of theyard/garage area…..It never appears as a being but it taps at the glass windows of the garage and will knock tools off the table beside the one you are working on to the floor. It spooked him so bad he always makes me go with him when he has to work in the garage. One day he had to walk up to the house and left me alone in the garage, which was lit well. I saw a small flickering light ball float in from outside and flit around the room before finding me and flitting about me for a few moments and then to the tool bench, where the screwdriver he had just put away was knocked to the floor, nd then back out the door. It had seemed to loose interest in me when I had looked at it, smiled and said “You don’t scare me like you do him.” It seems to delight in startling him like a child who sneaks up on someone does
i definitely believe the whole orb = ghost thing.
i was in a graveyard one night with some friends and took this picture only a few seconds before this picture.
probably you are being overly paranoid. I sometimes these thoughts do occur especially when we are having inner troubles for example feeling insecure can provoke the mind to release such thoughts.
Has it always been like this or did it just start?
@Mr M Spirits can take the form of anything they like. They feel comfortable with clothes.
@Mr M oh and the reason it’s usually a loved one it’s because the loved one loves the other so it usually likes to hang around. If you died in a car accident wouldn’t you hang around your family for a while because you love them?
Actually, I’d seek out Paris Hilton. Give me a break.
Anyway, @fireside, do those “orbs” follow the camera, i.e., is that one camera getting orbs or are you getting orbs at the same house with DIFFERENT cameras and lenses?
@Mr M – That is the only “orb” photo I’ve taken out of hundreds of shots with that camera. All different lighting conditions.
ONE orb photo and you’re concluding it’s a ghost?
I could show you pics of a stage in an auditorium I sometimes photograph shows from and every single picture that I’ve taken backstage that include the curtains in the picture have orbs all over the place.
OK, I asked if my house was haunted, I never outright said it was. There has always been a “feeling” about the house, but I’ve never labeled it haunted or bad. These more overt actions have started recently, with the front door being left wide open being the boldest. It’s weird, that’s all. I will try to post orb pics, but I’m not too sure if they’re on the CPU or not. I’ll check. Thanks for the various insights.
This has been a pretty cool thread!
@Mr_M Please share the backstage pics!
I think your house is haunted. Do you know how old it is? And how many stories?
I just want pictures. This is fun.
I believe that if you click this site: you should be able to see a pic with two orbs. Pretty interesting stuff. They appear in all the pics that we take here, especially in that front room. It is what it is, whether that be an unknown entity or something much less interesting!
Wow! Looks like an orb to me!
so they aren’t hostile right?
Not hostile, just around I guess.
@gimme, in that very picture you post with “orbs”, you have some sort of a reflection of light coming off the dvd tower onto the wall. Yet you totally disregard that (or not see that) and focus on the “orbs”. I may be stepping out on a limb here, but I’m guessing that whatever caused that dvd tower reflection is related to what caused the orbs (unless you want to say spirits cause dvd tower reflections)?
People who believe in UFO’s like “orbs” too. On the list of possibilities of what it could be, you skip all the way down to “Possibility 20,004 – Ghosts”. I’m curious. Was the possibility of it being a UFO BEFORE or AFTER “Ghosts”?
@scamp, I’ll try to dig them up.
@MrM, what haven’t you understood about my previous posts in this thread? I have never said I had a ghost, that the orbs represented entities, or made any other claim that I know I live with a ghost. I posted a pic with two visible orbs for others to check out. I am fine with your assertion that there is nothing there, but the condescending nature of your posts is unwarranted.
Also, how do you explain the orb next the back of the young man leaning over in the left side of the pic? That DVD tower casts an impressive glare, eh? Oh, and do wood and ceramic reflect light equally? It would seem that one material would absorb more light than the other, yet the reflection is equally visible, and perfectly circular. Weird.
I don’t mean to sound condescending. I’m just trying to highlight certain things that people who think there might be ghosts frequently do and don’t realize they do, i.e., disregarding the dvd tower reflection. As I posted earlier, people often selectively attend to certain things (unconsciously) as “proof” that there is a ghost.
I can’t explain the reason for the images.
Mr. M might have gotten confused because I posted a couple of pictures too. Sorry for derailing the thread.
Orb Photos with digital cameras have traditionally been explained as reflections of particles of dust that are near to the camera lens. Due to the proximity and direction of most hand held digital camera flashes to the lens, the dust is illuminated in such a way that it causes the sphere effect. Thus, larger orbs are actually dust particulates that are closer to the camera and flash. That is not to say that this is the definitive word, or that there aren’t orb photos that have been taken in conditions not described above.
@ gimme – did your flash go off when this picture was taken, or was the room bright enough not to warrant a flash?
Also, the more striking part of the story, to me, is the opening and closing of the refrigerator door. Is it possible that the seal on the door isn’t that good and maybe your kids just don’t close it properly?
I have a closet door in my apartment that seems to be closed, but someone walking upstairs causes the right shift in the frame so that the door “opens on its own” without me being near it.
I think the best advice is to sit in a room and sort of talk it out with the entity (regardless of whether it is real or imagined) and to come to peace with the situation. It may be that that inner calmness allows you not to notice the things that happen, or it may be that the recognition is what the spirit was looking for – as long as it creates the desired effect, no big deal.
@fire, you explanation of the orbs were PRECISELY how they were explained to me.
@ Mr M – that’s why the one I took a few months ago is still a question mark for me. it doesn’t fit the pattern
Print flyers and charge admission.
I have an orb pic. How do I link it?
I uploaded mine onto picassa then posted the link.
How are the others doing it with just a pic?
I have a server.
Photobucket is similar to Picassa
What does a server allow me to do that I otherwise can’t? I sent an email to fluther tech support asking how I can do it withOUT using those sites.
—mr_m, try going to
It’s a free image hosting site, you don’t have to have an account, you just upload the picture you want to share and they will give you a link to copy, then just paste the link here and people can click on it and see the picture.—
I don’t think your house is haunted. If you
have adolescents in the house it may be a
poltergeist situation. Hauntings are a little
different. This isn’t saying you don’t have one
but the overt signs don’t seem to be there. Let the
kids know they may be the cause and the situation may
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