General Question

VoodooLogic's avatar

Has anyone improved their alkilinity levels using kombucha?

Asked by VoodooLogic (732points) October 12th, 2008

trying this tea out, does anyone have any success stories, particularly with alkaline levels. Or… does anyone have other suggestions for improving body alkalinity?

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4 Answers

damien's avatar

Don’t waste your time or money with that kind of nonsense!

fireside's avatar

Meditation is the best way to lower your acidity levels.

jvgr's avatar

Never heard of this concept.
Your body prefers to be acidic, not alkaline.
Why would you think alkalinity is desirable.

shilolo's avatar

Actually, your body regulates itself to generate a blood pH of 7.4, which is slightly alkaline. Two ways the body maintains this is by regulating the amount of carbon dioxide you breath out, and the amount of sodium bicarbonate excreted in the urine. There is almost no way drinking a tea will have any effect on your blood pH level, as the body’s compensatory mechanisms are too effective. So, as damien said, its bullshit.

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